Zilber College of Public Health Weekly Seminar – Introduction to EMR and AI in Public Health -Min Wu, PhD, Associate Professor – Health Care Informatics & Administration
March 13 @ 9:00 am - 9:50 am
Introduction to EMR and AI in Public Health
Presented by Min Wu, PhD
Associate Professor, Health Care Informatics & Administration
Zilber College of Public Health
A forum to hear the latest in the research and practice of public health to support a just, equitable, healthy future for people, communities, and the environment in Milwaukee, the state of Wisconsin, and beyond.
This week’s seminar will include a short introduction to Electronic Medical Records (EMR) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) in public health. Our presenter, Min Wu, PhD, will provide some EMR and AI literacy for audiences, and looks forward to addressing your questions on related topics at the seminar.
The seminar can also be attended virtually on Teams.