Therapeutic Recreation

Maegan, who lives in Alberta, Canada, was looking for a certificate in therapeutic recreation to enhance her skills.
Maegan, a master’s degree student, works with para-athletes and in adaptive physical activity. She’d started a master’s program in her field, but wanted add the therapeutic recreation certificate. “I actually already have a bachelor’s degree, but was a few classes short of a certification that is starting to become more popular in my home province.”
Because she was working as she studied for her master’s degree, an online program best fit her needs.
She chose UWM because the cost was reasonable and all the courses she needed were packaged in one program. This meant she didn’t have to take one course at a time at different universities. “Also,” she adds, “a lot of the other therapeutic recreation programs required their students to take a practicum, which I didn’t need, and it wasn’t viable with my schedule.”
Flexibility was key for Maegan. “I could do my work in small bits when I had a moment during the week, or get all of it done on Sunday, whatever happened to work best with my schedule that week.”