The UW-Milwaukee Lubar Entrepreneurship Center (UWM-LEC) serves as a hub for experimentation, research, and innovation, offering accessible resources to both UWM and the broader community. Campus groups and community partners can reserve rooms for events and programming, and are encouraged to collaborate with LEC staff on workshops and joint programming.

The Lubar Entrepreneurship Center & UWM Welcome Center building features flexible spaces suitable for various activities, as well as shared open areas frequently used by students and staff.

View of the Lubar Entrepreneurship Center, a modern glass building amid a grassy area, blending architecture and nature.

What types of spaces does the LEC offer?

The LEC features a variety of flexible spaces that can be easily customized to meet your needs. Most rooms accommodate up to 32 people, while larger spaces on the first floor can hold up to 100 people, depending on the event layout. Some smaller rooms are limited to 20 people.

How are room reservations managed?

Room reservations are handled on a first-come, first-served basis. Submit your request as early as possible, as availability cannot be guaranteed. After submitting the ‘LEC Room Reservation Inquiry’ form below, an LEC Team member will contact you to confirm availability and discuss event logistics.

The LEC’s Space Use Policy is available upon request.

LEC Sponsor

Some groups require an LEC sponsor for their event. Please review the 2024 LEC Sponsor Role Clarification (PDF) before making a reservation request. For more information about LEC sponsors, please contact the LEC Operations Manager, Colin Flanner.

What should I know after booking a space in the LEC?

The LEC is a shared resource for both campus and community, fostering a sense of stewardship for its spaces. We operate on a self-service model, meaning groups are responsible for setting up their spaces and returning them to their original configuration after use.

Everyone is welcome at the LEC, and we encourage you to maintain the space in excellent condition. If you see something say something, and encourage others to do so as well, so that everyone who uses this space for years to come may enjoy it as you have.

LEC Guidelines of User Conduct

The LEC prides itself on being an open resource to campus and relies on everyone to help keep it clean. Your cooperation ensures we won’t have to charge fees or limit your access to the building.

  • Leave the space as you found it: Push in chairs and return tables and supplies to their original locations.
  • Furniture is movable: You can arrange the room as needed, but please reset it to its original configuration afterward. Pro-tip: Take a photo before rearranging.
  • Clean up any mess: If you create crumbs, spills, marks, etc., please clean them up. The LEC has a small team and does not provide cleaning services. Please take the initiative to clean up.
  • Trash bins: Located in the back service stairwell on floor 1, these bins are for food and waste.
  • Cleaning supplies: Available in the back storage room on floor 1. Ask a staff member if you need assistance accessing them.
  • Extra furniture: Additional tables and chairs can be found in storage, room 101. Please return any used furniture when finished.
  • UWM Welcome Center: This area is separate from the LEC; please do not use their space.

See something, say something. If you see something unusual – please notify an LEC staff member immediately.

In the event of something more serious, please contact campus police: 414-229-9911. Then contact Operations Manager & LECWC Building Chair, Colin Flanner: 414-290-1377.

What is the cost to book a space?

The LEC is available for free reservation to all UWM and most UWM-affiliated groups. External community partners should contact LEC Operations Manager, Colin Flanner, directly, as pricing depends on the scope of your event.