Welcome to the Archives Department reference service. To ask a question about our collections or services, please complete the following form. Fields marked with an asterisk are required.

The UWM Archives does not charge for providing reference information about its collections, the repository, or other repositories. However, to partially recover costs, we do charge for research into our collections. We will notify you if your inquiry will require payment, and then provide you with the opportunity to agree to payment. Charges cover research and/or reproduction costs.

Genealogists, instead of this form, use the request forms provided in the genealogy section of our site.

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  • Your Question

  • Providing our archivists with any information you have about your question or research request will help us conduct a preliminary search. For example: deadlines, the family or individual names you seek, dates or time periods, geographic locations, or sources that you have already consulted. If you are seeking information about a specific photograph or item online, please include a link with your question.