Shorter Loan History Will Protect Privacy

As the result of a privacy policy developed by the the Council of UW Libraries, beginning January 2025 the UWM Libraries will anonymize loan circulation data six months after an item’s return.

This process will de-identify the individual associated with the loan transaction. After anonymization, the Libraries will retain a record of the loan for internal collection analysis purposes, but will not know who borrowed the item.

Because of the change, the Libraries will no longer be able to support user access to historic loan information through Search@UW, our main search tool. However, users will have the opportunity to opt in to a separate application that will save their loan history by logging in at

To retain their current loan history, users must opt into the new loan history app by January 5, 2025. After that date, users will be unable to retrieve their loan history.

More information about the UWM Libraries loan history application can be found here.