New Portal Offers Self-Serve Access to Geospatial Data

image of GeoDiscovery webpage

The American Geographical Society Library (AGSL) and Digital Collections & Initiatives (DC&I) department have launched GeoDiscovery, an online geoportal that provides discovery and access to geospatial data in AGSL collections as well as data and maps held by other institutions, harvested via OpenGeoMetadata.

The new portal represents the culmination of years of work towards increasing access to AGSL collections, allowing users to download data from the website without the need to make a data request.

Libraries staff who contributed to the project were Stephen Appel in AGSL, Jie Chen, Karl Holten, and Ann Hanlon in DC&I, and Nathan Humpal in Collection and Resource Management. External developer Eric Larson helped with the core development tasks on the front-end application.