Over the summer, the Libraries completed renovation of an area on the second floor, west wing overlooking the central courtyard and Three Bronze Discs sculpture as an open study area for students. Work continues on various renovations in the Golda Meir Library first announced in May.
On the second floor, west wing, the Libraries are refreshing the area that houses the art and architecture collection (Ns and NAs) and also includes open study spaces and carrels. The project includes painting, recarpeting, and renovating a former office as two group study rooms. Work will take place during the fall semester and Winterim.
On the second floor, east wing, the Libraries and the Graduate School are partnering in the construction of a Graduate Student Commons. The project is scheduled for completion later this semester.
On the third floor, west wing, the Libraries are renovating a meeting room (W301) and adjacent restrooms located off the stair landing. As part of the project, the west wing restrooms on the second and third floor will be closed for most of the fall semester. Restrooms in the east wing on these floors remain open.
We sincerely apologize for the disruptions caused by these building projects and will provide further updates as projects are completed.