UWM undergraduate students get involved in research
The Office of Undergraduate Research provides opportunities for students to get involved in research across the university.
Providing opportunities for undergraduates – not just graduate students – to do research is an important part of UWM’s mission.
Whether students interested in science, engineering, the humanities or art, UWM’s Office of Undergraduate Research supports over 500 undergrads every year to engage in research collaborations with faculty.
They do things such as assessing a building’s vulnerability for bird strikes, helping to transform schoolyards to be greener and safer, or choreographing a musical comedy. And students can start doing research even before their freshman year.
Conservation and environmental science undergraduate researcher Eugenio Calderon Rodriguez and mentor Neil O’Reilly worked on developing a methodology to assess how vulnerable buildings are to bird strikes. Rodriguez and O’Reilly worked on a phone app that allows users to input data on where they witness bird strikes. Rodriguez collected field data on characteristics that may facilitate bird strikes, using buildings in downtown Milwaukee. A manual will be developed for publication and distribution by the American Bird Conservancy. The Fiserv Forum, where this photo was taken, is the first certified bird-friendly professional sports arena. The arena uses fritting, a thin ceramic coating that makes glass visible to birds up close but allows the glass to retain its transparency. It signals to birds that the window is a barrier, not something fly through. (UWM Photo/Elora Hennessey)