Subject: Grade
Department Analytics Dashboard
The Department Analytics Dashboard provides summary data related to the following topics, by department: Enrollment, Retention & Graduation Rates, Student Credit Hours (SCH), DFW Rates, Completions, Faculty and Staff, and Financials. Users of this dashboard may be accessing FERPA-protected data… Read More
School/College Analytics Dashboard
The School/College Analytics Dashboard provides summary data related to the following topics, by school/college and for UWM as a whole: Enrollment, Retention & Graduation Rates, Student Credit Hours (SCH), DFW Rates, Completions, Faculty and Staff, and Financials. Users of this… Read More
Athletics Enrollment Information
OBIEE Shared Dashboard that identifies athletes with less than 12 credits, a grade change or a program or plan change in the last 30 days. User must have Students Records Consumer access to OBIEE.
Section Attrition and Grade Reports
Count of enrollments and grades by School/College and subject. The detail report also includes course number, section and instructor.