Data Field: Academic Plan
Weekly Comparison of Enrollment Dashboard
Comparison of current and previous years enrollment by headcount, FTE, credits enrolled, and average credit load. By year in school, current entry status, academic group (primarily school/college), gender, tuition residency, fulltime/part-time, targeted status and ethnicity. Users of this dashboard may… Read More
Application to Enrollment Funnel Dashboard (Weekly & Final Versions)
This dashboard combines both application/admission data with enrollment data to show the progression of students from the time of application to the time of enrollment. Users can filter the data in a number of different ways, including by school/college, plan,… Read More
Program Analytics Dashboard
The Program Analytics Dashboard provides summary data for undergraduate major programs related to the following topics: Enrollment, Retention & Graduation Rates, Student Credit Hours (SCH), Completions, Credits to Degree, and Faculty and Staff. The metrics in this dashboard were selected… Read More
Current Plans
OBIEE Shared Dashboard that identifies the active students in a plan or program and their enrollment status for current and future terms.
Degrees Awarded
OBIEE Shared Dashboard that identifies the number of degrees awarded by completion term, plan/subplan, and plan type.
Degrees Expected
OBIEE Shared Dashboard that identifies the number of expected degrees based on student’s calculated graduation terms, plan/subplan, and plan type.
Class Roster
OBIEE Shared Dashboard identifies the list of students enrolled in a given course. User must have Students Records Consumer access to OBIEE.
Degrees Granted
Counts of bachelors, certificates, post-bacc majors and minors, teacher certifications, masters, doctors, clinical doctorates and educational specialists by targeted status, ethnicity, gender. Totals and by school and college and field of study (major). Starting in 2010-11, this report includes a… Read More
5 Year – Spring/Fall Week by Week Total Graduate Enrollment Comparisons
2 separate reports, one for Fall, one for Spring. Each is a visual week-by-week comparison of total graduate enrollment to date for the past 5 years. Can be broken down by Year, School/College, Degree Level, International/Domestic, Academic Program, Academic Plan,… Read More
10 Year Graduate Application, Admission, New Enrollment, Total Enrollment Comparison
Pie charts giving a view of comparing Domestic/International, Male/Female, Resident/NonResident, Masters/Doctoral across Applications, Admissions, New Enrollment, Total Enrollment, and Degrees Granted for the past 10 years. Can be broken down by semester (Fall/Spring), School/College, and Academic Plan.
Graduate Degrees Granted
Graph with the total number of graduate degrees granted 2002-present, per academic year. Broken down by Academic Year, Semester, Residency, Degree Type, Citizenship, School/College, Gender, Ethnicity, Academic Plan, and International vs. Domestic.
Enrollment Longitudinal Summary
Graduate Student Degree-Level Enrollment from 1980 to present in one Excel spreadsheet. Updated at the end of each semester: Fall, Spring, Summer. Broken down by school/college and department and academic level.
Graduate Program Data
One report annually for each Fall and Spring semester, published after the end of the semester. Head counts of Graduate Student Degree and Non-Degree Applications, Admissions, Enrollment, and Degrees Granted. Broken down by degree level, school/college, academic plan. Counts of… Read More
Graduate Application and Admission Summary
18 separate reports, 6 for each semester: Fall, Spring, Summer. Updated weekly on Mondays. Headcounts of graduate students in degree granting programs only. Counts are broken down by Doctoral vs Masters, application status, admit type, ethnicity, international vs domestic, school… Read More