Robin Van Harpen, UWM’s vice chancellor for Finance and Administrative Affairs, explains why it’s important to report fraud and workplace theft.

UWM employees have an obligation to follow federal and state  laws, UW System policies and regulations, and UWM policies. We also share the UWM guiding value to engage in ethical behavior, based on integrity, accountability and responsibility.

Types of Fiscal Misconduct

It’s important for UWM employees to be familiar with the university’s Fiscal Misconduct policy and to report suspected violations. Fiscal misconduct is defined as “a deliberate act or failure to act that is contrary to established laws, regulations or policies and which results or was intended to result in either loss or other damage to the State or the UW System or improper personal gain.” This includes, but is not limited to:

  • theft, embezzlement, or misuse of cash, credit cards, equipment, or supplies;
  • misuse of university facilities and equipment, such as telephones, mail systems, vehicles or computers;
  • employee conflicts of interest or ethics violations involving the use of one’s public position for personal gain or advantage, such as contracts for outside services which benefit the employee and/or his/her immediate family;
  • improper handling or reporting of financial transactions;
  • bribery, kickbacks, and bid rigging;
  • travel expense fraud;
  • forgery, falsification, or unauthorized alteration of financial documents or records;
  • and authorizing or receiving compensation for hours not worked or covered by appropriate and available leave.

How to Report It

If you suspect someone is engaging in theft or fiscal misconduct, you have three options for reporting it: