Home GR/OWN: Partners 4 Places

Client: HOME GR/OWN Milwaukee

Location: Northwest side of Milwaukee, WI

  • Metcalfe Orchard Rendered Perspective


CDS partnered with HOME GR/OWN to focus on their Partners for Places (P4P) project. HOME GR/OWN is an initiative of Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett to transform neighborhoods by re-purposing vacant lots into community assets. In late 2013, Will Allen of Growing Power approached HOME GR/OWN about his idea to plant orchards on City-owned lots throughout Milwaukee’s North Side, and P4P was born.

CDS worked alongside neighborhood groups and residents to design 20 orchards and 6 pocket parks on City-owned vacant lots in the 6th, 7th, and 15th aldermanic districts. Construction of the parks and orchards began during the summer of 2015.



SXSWECO Place by Design award – first place




Learn more at HOME GR/OWN Milwaukee and HOME GR/OWN Milwaukee’s Facebook Page