Submission of Text Files
Submission of Graphic, Sound and Video Files
Submission Schedule
Graduate Student/Independent Scholar Submissions
Individual Submissions
Themed Volume Proposal Submissions
Citations and References
Editorial Policy
Copyright Agreement
Submission of Articles
Submission of Text Files
Articles may be submitted electronically. Send article submissions as an attachment in e-mail in both Microsoft Word and Rich Text Format/*.rtf file formats. Please do not send audio, video, or graphic files embedded in documents.
Submissions should be sent to:
Bettina Arnold ( )
Submission of Graphic, Sound and Video Files
Graphic, sound, and video files should be sent as e-mail attachments in most cases. If possible submit audio files as *.wav, *.au, or *.aiff files. Video files should be submitted as *.mov, *.wvm, or *.avi files. If you can not send audio or video files in the above formats contact the Web Design team at the e-mail address below for instructions. Graphic files (images, line art, maps, etc.) should be submitted at as high a resolution as possible (at least 700-1000 pixels at its smallest dimension). We prefer to receive continuous-tone images (photographs) as uncompressed *.tif files, but high quality *.jpg files are also acceptable. High resolution line art, maps, etc. should be in either *.tif or *.gif file format.
If the submission contains large or complex graphics, video or audio files, or you have questions about any of these specifications, please contact the Web Design team at or the General Editor at for more detailed submission instructions.
Submission Schedule
Once an article has been approved for review by the Editorial Board, authors can expect to receive reviewers’ comments within four months of submission. Authors are expected to make any required changes within two months of receipt of comments. Publication will occur immediately following submission of the approved proofs to the General Editor. We hope to be able to guarantee a turn-around time of less than a year for all submissions that are approved for publication.
Graduate Student/Independent Scholar Submissions
e-Keltoi welcomes submissions from graduate students and independent scholars, with the following caveats:
- The General Editor, in consultation with the Editorial Committee, reserves the right to determine whether a submission is of sufficient quality and significance to be sent out for review. All submissions must go through the same rigorous review process.
- Suggested changes must be made within the period of time specified when the article is returned to the author following review.
Individual Submissions
Submissions of individual papers related to the following Active Volume Themes are currently being accepted for review:
Volume 2: Cultural Survival
Volume 3: Gender
Volume 4: Nationalism
Volume 5: Warfare
Themed Volume Proposal Submissions
Proposals for future volumes of e-Keltoi may also be submitted by the organizer of a collection of papers from an upcoming or past conference or similar event. The organizer may either act as volume editor, or may delegate the editorial responsibility to the Editorial Board of e-Keltoi. The organizer should submit a CV, a Volume Title, an abstract for the volume (maximum one page), as well as a list of the authors (including affiliation, if any), titles and abstracts of papers to be submitted. If the proposed volume is a conference volume, papers from individuals who did not participate in the conference may also be included, but this should be indicated in the proposal.
Articles should be between 10,000 and 20,000 words. Shorter or longer pieces may be considered following review by the Editorial Board. Authors are encouraged to utilize different media (graphics, audio and video) when possible and applicable. In addition to the article, the submission should contain a short abstract (75 to 125 words) and 5-10 keywords as well as the title, author’s name, and affiliation. If applicable, indicate that the author is an independent scholar.
Citations and References
Authors should use the citation format with which they are most familiar from their own disciplines, with the following restrictions. Due to the constraints imposed by HTML, endnotes should be used in place of footnotes. Citation options include endnotes and author-date in-text citations followed by a References Cited section. The interdisciplinary nature of the journal mandates flexibility with respect to citation style. Consistency within the document is required irrespective of the citation style chosen. Authors using the endnote citation system must follow one of these styles: MLA, APA, or Chicago Style Guidelines.
Author and date in-text citations and references should follow the examples provided below.
Author and Date
Author, Date and Page Number
Multiple authors
References found in the Bibliography or References Cited should follow the examples provided below for books, journal articles, music sheets, etc. In all instances the full name of the author should be provided.
1998. Dictionary of Celtic Mythology. Oxford: Oxford University Press.Arnold, Bettina, and D. Blair Gibson (eds.)
1995. Celtic Chiefdom, Celtic State. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Edited Volume and Multiple Entries
1995. The significance of major settlements in European Iron Age society. In Bettina Arnold and D. Blair Gibson (eds.) Celtic Chiefdom, Celtic State, pp. 53-63. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.1989. Neue Ausgrabungen im oppidum Bibracte. Germania 67(2):541-550.
1946. Notes on place-names in Derry and Tyrone. Celtica 1(1):118-140.
Citing the World Wide Web (WWW)
Web Journal
2000. From the Bar to the Stage: Socio-musical Processes in the Maltese Spirtu Pront. Journal of Musical Anthropology of the Mediterranean 5. 13 February 2002.
Editorial Policy
The General Editor, in consultation with the Editorial Board, reserves the right to make changes to articles regarding length and content. Any substantial changes will be made in consultation with the author.
Page proofs will be sent electronically to all authors for final approval and correction of any minor editorial changes before publication/posting.
Authors may reproduce their articles as many times as they wish simply by printing out the .pdf version of the text.
Copyright Agreement ( PDF Version 9K )
This Agreement is made by and between the author (hereinafter the “author”) and the Board of Regents for the University of Wisconsin System on behalf of the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Center for Celtic Studies (hereinafter the “University”) at the date the author’s Work (hereinafter the “Work”) is accepted for publication by e-Keltoi (hereinafter the “Journal”).
In consideration of the promises made herein, the parties agree as follows:
- The author retains the copyright to the Work.
- The University through its electronic journal known as e-Keltoi undertakes to publish the Work on the Journal’s Web site.
- The author hereby grants to the University a worldwide, perpetual, irrevocable, royalty-free license to publish or distribute the Work in electronic form, paper form, or any other format or medium, at any time and in any context.
- The author agrees that she or he shall not publish the Work in any other journal, whether electronic or otherwise, in the same or substantially the same form as the Work, without acknowledging prior publication in the Journal, and citing the e-Keltoi URL for the Work.
- The author agrees to include links to the e-Keltoi URL in any electronically available copy of the Work.
- The author agrees that she or he will not request that the University remove the Work from the Journal’s home web or its archives in the future.
- The author represents and warrants that with the exception of short excerpts from other’s works, which constitute fair use, the Work will contain no material from other copyrighted works without a written consent of the copyright holder. The author will obtain such consents at her or his own expense and will file them with the University at the time the Work is delivered. All obligations associated with permissions will be the responsibility of the author.
- The author represents and warrants that she or he is the sole owner of the Work submitted to the Journal and has full power and authority to make this Agreement; that she or he has made good faith effort to verify that the Work does not infringe any copyright, violate and property rights, or contain any scandalous, libelous, or unlawful matter.
- This Agreement shall become effective and binding at the date of the formal acceptance of the Work for publication by the Journal.
- The written provisions contained in this Agreement constitute the sole and entire Agreement made between the author and the University concerning the Work.
G. Richard Meadows
Dean, College of Letters and Science
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
William R. Rayburn
Associate Provost for Research
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee