Research News

Latino Milwaukee: A Statistical Portrait

This study provides the first comprehensive statistical portrait of metropolitan Milwaukee’s Latino community. Using the best and most recent available data, from a wide variety of sources, this study examines key areas such as population growth, immigration, residential segregation, income, poverty, and employment,

Deunionization in Wisconsin and Metro Milwaukee: A Statistical Overview

The past four years have been tumultuous ones for organized labor in Wisconsin. In 2011, the passage of Act 10 all but eliminated collective bargaining rights for public workers in the state. In 2015, Wisconsin became the nation’s 25th “right to work” (RTW) state. It was widely expected that these anti-union laws would deal crippling blows to organized labor in Wisconsin, and a recently released report by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics revealed that union membership in the state has, indeed, fallen precipitously.

Public Transit and Access to Jobs in the Milwaukee Metropolitan Area, 2001-2014

During the past several years, the University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee Center for Economic Development (CED) has produced a number of studies focusing on transit
service and access to jobs in the Milwaukee region. This study examines the impact of transit service cuts and service expansions that have occurred between 2001 and 2014 on access to jobs in the Milwaukee Metro area.