International Society of Biometeorology

Annual Report 2004

ISB Commission 1 (Phenology)

Submitted by Mark D. Schwartz, Chair

  1. Members of the Commission participated in the 16th Conference on Biometeorology and Aerobiology (sponsored by the American Meteorological Society), held in Vancouver, BC, Canada, 25-25 August by presenting papers in two phenology sessions, as well as participating in a Commission meeting. I was chair of the program committee for this conference.
  2. European members of the Commission are participating in a variety of activities and planning related to the on-going European Union funded project COST 725: Establishing a European Phenological Data Platform for Climatological Applications. Additional details can be viewed at:
  3. In other activities, Commission members continue to promote phenological observations around the world through the Global Phenological Monitoring protocol, and through cooperation with the GLOBE program. In the USA, I launched a prototype web-based National Phenology Network (NPN) in December.

I am also in contact with the National Ecological Observation Network (NEON) senior management team, and hope to work closely with them to facilitate and enhance the NPN concept.