School Supply Drive

Last year was the second time we were able to provide school supplies to a second “adopted” school in the 53206 zip code. Through the generous support of ADC members, the UWM community, and our external partners, Lafollette Elementary and Hopkins Lloyd Community schools had supplies ready and waiting for the students!

The ADC needs your support again this year to continue this wonderful community event. We will accept school supplies as well as monetary donations via our cash apps. See attached flyer for a list of school supplies and ways to donate. If you would like verification of your contribution to the African Diaspora Council and a tax deduction receipt, you may submit your donation at (under Special Instructions, enter School Supply Drive).

We kindly ask that when you buy supplies for your kids, grandkids, and loved ones, please also consider picking up a few extra requested items for our adopted schools. JOIN US IN PROVIDING the tools students desperately need to return to learning and to ensure they have another successful school year!

The collection drop-off location is the Chapman Hall Parking Lot on the following three (3) Saturdays: 8/27 | 9/10 | 9/24 – 12:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.

Feel free to email us at with any questions. Please tell a friend and share with your networks! (download flyer)