Karen Parrish Baker, Ph.D

Project Director/Principal Investigator - TRiO Student Support Services

How do you contribute to UWM's goals?   
On the Academic Opportunity Center (AOC) leadership team since 2012, I supervised 30 full and part-time teachers of English 095, 101 and 102; Math 090 and 095; Educational Psychology 100 and 101; and Curriculum and Instruction 110, 111 and 112.Today, I am Project Director/PI for a 5-year $1.5 million federally-funded TRiO Student Support Services program supporting 250+ UWM students annually.

What would you like people to know about you?   
A transplanted Buckeye born and bred in Ohio, I earned my Ph.D. from The Ohio State University. I understand challenges first-generation college students from low-income backgrounds must overcome because I was one. Consequently, my postsecondary administrative and faculty careers reflect my passion to help others attain their collegiate dreams just as I was challenged to achieve mine and beyond.