Financial donations to support the development of the WTMJ-TV News Archives are welcome. Your donation supports our ongoing work to preserve the original news footage; transfer the oldest and most fragile footage to a digital format; catalog individual news segments; and develop a freely accessible, online collection of video clips. This important work would not be possible without your support!
Donations may be made online. Please direct your gift to the UWM LIBRARIES and designate it for the WTMJ-TV News Archives.
The UWM Libraries and Wisconsin Historical Society gratefully acknowledge the generous financial support of the following individuals and organizations:
- Brico Fund
- Suzy Ettinger
- Mike Gousha
- Sally Waters
- Carl H. Losse Trust
- Dorothy Inbusch Foundation
- Dr. Abraham B. and Irma F. Schwartz Fund of the Greater Milwaukee Foundation
- Friends of the Golda Meir Library
- Greater Milwaukee Foundation
- Jack & Lucille Rosenberg Foundation
- Journal Communications
- The National Historical Records and Publications Commission
- The Richard and Ethel Herzfeld Foundation
- Schoenleber Foundation
- Sprague Vonier
- UWM Graduate School
- UWM Libraries
- Wisconsin Broadcasters Association Foundation
For more information, please contact:
Michael Doylen
Associate Vice Provost & Director of the UWM Libraries
Herb Reichl
Director of Development, UWM Libraries