Welcome to Wellness Wisdom! A bi-weekly blog on health and well-being topics, submitted by student Peer Health Educators from SHAW. Tune in every other Tuesday at 3 pm to read!

  • Navigating Imposter Syndrome 
    When I decided that I wanted to go to college to study engineering, I was met with negative and discouraging comments. “You know, engineering is full of men, are you sure that’s what you want to do?” “Good luck being the only girl in your class.” “Hope you love dealing with men 24/7” were statements …
  • Let’s Nuance ‘Balance’ in Well-Being
    First published on You @ UWM Wellness and well-being are buzzwords. They show up at every turn. But what are they? And what does it mean to be well? While there is no one set definition of well-being, there are a few key components that most people agree upon:  Well-being is holistic: While people might think …
  • Get into the Swing of Spring
    As winter break wraps up, many students encounter the challenge of re-entering their routines. After weeks filled with relaxation, holiday celebrations, and maybe a bit too much TikTok, shifting gears can be a struggle — especially in the midst of winter! Here are some helpful tips to help you smoothly transition back to college life …
  • Welcome to Your New Adventure at UWM 
    Welcome to the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee! As a fellow international student, I’m here to share my experiences and tips to help you navigate your exciting journey at UWM. Stepping into a new academic and cultural environment can be overwhelming, but trust me, this experience will be worth it.  My First Days at UWM  When I …
  • Managing Stress During Finals Week 
    Final exam season can be a stressful time for college students. Studying for exams, finalizing projects, preparing presentations – it’s a lot on our plates in a short amount of time. But final exam season can also be a time of excitement. The end of the semester is a time to look forward to holiday …
  • Compartmentalizing Your Stress 
    It can be difficult to balance out life as a student. Sometimes when you’re behind on one thing, everything else seems to fall through. It might feel that way, but it’s not always the case. Compartmentalizing stress can be a helpful strategy when life feels like a lot.   Understanding Compartmentalization for Stress  Compartmentalization involves …
  • Broke but Thoughtful: Navigating Finances while Gifting Meaningfully 
    For college students, the end of the year is a stressful time between studying for finals and preparing for the holidays. For me, stress comes with finding a way back home, staying on top of bills, and studying for finals. The last thing on my mind is buying presents. I live on a very tight …
  • What I Wish I Knew as a College Freshman
    For many high school seniors, the day of November 1st may cause anxiety. The panic and scramble to finish Early Action applications is a feeling I remember all too well. As someone who works with high schoolers, many of whom are in the process of actively applying to schools or beginning the process of looking …
  • Embracing the Present 
    As we move along in our college career, we can be struck with uncertainty. What is our plan for after graduation? Where will we end up living? Will we actually use our degree how we planned? All of these questions can often be blinders to experience the here and now. The unknown can bring up …
  • How to Start Off the Semester Strong If You’re Already Behind 
    “Any Progress is Good Progress”   Starting the semester on the wrong foot can feel overwhelming and discouraging. If you already feel like you’re behind, I'd suggest looking at these simple steps to get caught up. Remember, any progress is good progress!  Step One: Check-In With Yourself  This includes both your body and your mind. …