Birth Parent Stories
These two videos detail the experiences of birth parents who have had their child/ren placed in out-of-home care. Both videos were created by MCWP, in conjunction with the Bureau of Milwaukee Child Welfare, Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin Community Services, and Integrated Family Services.
Developmental Monitoring
This module will teach you about developmental monitoring including what it is, the benefits, and strategies for implementing it into your work. It also includes a wealth of free resources that you can use with families.
Marks that Matter, Sentinel Injuries, and Other Opportunities for Child Abuse Prevention
This module gives you an introduction to recognizing sentinel injuries in infants and guidance on what to do if you suspect abuse.
Orientation to Children’s Court
This brief video introduces the viewer to the Vel R. Phillips Children’s Court Center in Milwaukee County.
People-Centered Screening and Assessment
These learning modules about People-Centered Screening and Assessment are designed to help strengthen the personal and organizational screening and assessment practices of home visitors, parent educators, family advocates, and supervisors. Each module includes resources and information about the screen or assessment, information about the issue that is the focus of the screen or assessment, suggestions for using the tools reflectively, and a quiz and quiz key that will allow users of the modules to measure progress with understanding the tools. Modules may also include tip sheets about the screening and assessment tool which can be used as a desk reference, videos, and additional resources/readings.
Protective Capacity Family Assessment Overview
The PCFA Modules project was designed to provide an overview of the Protective Capacity Family Assessment model. When completed it will feature 6 modules: Module 1 – Why PCFA?, Module 2 – Preparation, Module 3 – Introduction, Module 4 – Discovery, and Module 5 – Change Strategy and Case Planning Stage. These modules will be added separately throughout 2016 & 2017.
Strengths-Based Feedback: A Method for Delivering Effective Performance Evaluations
Strengths-based feedback is a well-regarded method for delivering feedback that leaves employees feeling confident and competent. This page contains the presentation and worksheet from our half-day training that helps supervisors become more effective at giving quality feedback to employees.