Welcome to the Wisconsin Family Resource Center Professional Development System
The Wisconsin Family Resource Center Professional Development System is housed within the Wisconsin Child Welfare Professional Development System – Milwaukee and is designed to offer educational opportunities and trainings geared specifically toward the needs of family support program professional staff within family resource centers as well as other family serving professionals. This site/page is designed to be a central location for these educational opportunities. The offerings align with the Wisconsin Core Competencies for Family Support Professionals. Some offerings are designed for those new to the field, others for more experienced professionals. To learn more about these competencies, you can complete the online Module and check out the additional information and resources to support you in your use of the competencies. There are also trainings to meet the specific needs of supervisors and other family resource center leadership.
There are a variety of partners who are providing the various offerings, including the host of this site, Wisconsin Child Welfare Professional Development System, and Wisconsin’s Family Resource Center Network Supporting Families Together Association. Contact information for all of the offerings listed on this page, can be accessed. However, in some cases you may be connected to offsite registration.
FRC Parent Leaders:
Per requests from FRCs and parents, we are opening some of the professional development trainings to parent leaders. We determined the choices in consultation between the Prevention Board, SFTA, FRC leadership and service providers, and parent leaders. Please click here to read a document that outlines this thoroughly if you plan to take advantage of this opportunity.
Please note that parent leaders will need an account in the system, which should be set up in the same way as other FRC staff members in order to be able to register for a training. They do not need to have an organizational email. They can use their personal email. Supervisors will also be able to download a transcript of their training completion, just as they can for their staff members.
Click here for a list of upcoming FRC trainings
Click here to connect to 
Registration and continuing education units (CEU) are through our PDS online registration system. If you do not have a profile / account already set up, please use this tutorial to support you in setting up your account. For additional support please reach out to wcwpds-mke@uwm.edu . The PDS Online guide will also provide information on how to access information on course completion and continuing education units. When you complete the form/survey, select “Family Support Program Professional”. If your agency is not in the list of private agency names, you will have a chance to write it in free form under employer name. Please avoid acronyms. You and your designated supervisor will be able to access a running record of the professional development offerings that you have completed through this site. You can also input other training you attend into your record.
Training registrations are accepted on a first come, first serve basis. We encourage you to register as soon as possible as courses can fill to capacity. All training registrations must be made in advance.
Training Participant Expectations Policy:
- If you are more than 15 minutes late to a training you are considered a no show, unless prior arrangement has been made with the trainer.
- Please withdraw a minimum of 1 week prior to training if unable to attend.
- If you need to withdraw last minute due to illness, family emergency etc, these can be excused. Please notify WCWPDS-Mke@uwm.edu
***No show notice: All class fees are covered through a partnership with the Prevention Board. However, if you are unable to attend a training, we please ask that you withdraw from the training in PDS. This allows other individuals to register in your place. If you should need help withdrawing, please e-mail wcwpds-mke@uwm.edu for assistance. If you do not withdraw yourself from a class and become a no show, the class registration fee will need to be paid by you or your agency.
Click here to subscribe/ unsubscribe to the FRC / Parent Educator mailing list
Additional Educational Resources:
Wisconsin Children’s Health Alliance Sleep Baby Safe Training
National Child Traumatic Stress Network Training
Institute for Advancement of Family Support Professionals
University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute Health Equity Training Modules
The Role of the Parent Co-Presenter – Module
The Protective Factors Overview – Module
PDS Registration Site Resources:
4 Min VIDEO – How to create your PDS Account
Set Up Account – PDS Guide for PB
PB Staff – View and Print your Transcript in PDS
PB Manager – View and Print Transcripts for your Staff in PDS
PB Mangaer or Staff – Add External Trainings to PDS
PB Manager – Approving External Trainings Into PDS for Your Staff
PB – How to – Get Notified When New Trainings Are Available in PDS