Wisconsin Child Welfare Professional Development System

"Our work is guided by a set of values that includes a commitment to inclusivity and the inherent worth and dignity of others."


MCWP Name Change and Website Update


The Milwaukee Child Welfare Partnership (MCWP) at UW-Milwaukee and the Wisconsin Child Welfare Professional Development System (WCWPDS) at UW-Madison have long been partners in the project of providing professional development to child welfare staff and supervisors, foster/adoptive/relative caregivers, congregate care staff and home visiting/early childhood professionals throughout Wisconsin. Our vision has always been to function as a unified system. To better communicate that vision, we will operate under a single name with “branches” at the two campuses.  MCWP will become:


WCWPDS-UW Milwaukee.


You may start noticing updates to this website as the transition takes place and our websites combine. These changes should not disrupt your experience with our staff or services in any way. We hope our increased collaboration will enhance our ability to serve you and the quality of the services we offer. Our combined website features the new name, look and logo:  https://wcwpds.wisc.edu.  Course registration, resources and all the information you are used to getting from the MCWP website can be found in this new location.


WCWPDS – Milwaukee COVID-19 UPDATE (effective 3-19-2022):


We are adhering to University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee COVID-19 safety precautions and the following guidelines are currently in place for all spaces where WCWPDS-Milwaukee trainings are being conducted:

  • Masks are recommended, but not required for the duration of the training, including breaks and entering/exiting the meeting space.
  • We do not allow any walk-ins or guests. Only registered participants will be admitted to the meeting space.
  • Well-spaced training configurations and class maximums will be set to ensure comfortable seating.
  • For Home Visiting trainings, individual meals will be available for in-person trainings.
  • Hand sanitizer and disposable masks will be available to you at each location.