Panther GROW
Launch Your Career with Panther GROW
Panther GROW® (Guided Reflection on Work) uses brief, structured conversations between student employees and supervisors to help students connect the skills and knowledge they are gaining in the classroom with the work they are doing, and vice versa.
What is Panther GROW?
In alignment with Panther Edge, Panther GROW® is focused on making student employment a high-impact activity that requires students to reflect on their learning and connect within and beyond the classroom. Student employees and their supervisors have two brief Panther GROW® conversations each semester guided by four questions:
- 1. How is this job fitting in with your academics?
- 2. What are you learning here at work that is helping you in school?
- 3. What are you learning in class that you can apply here at work?
- 4. Can you give me a couple examples of things you are learning here at work that you will use in your chosen profession?
GROW® is used with permission from ©University of Iowa

Panther GROW conversations are:
Panther GROW conversations between students and supervisors are completely neutral and non-evaluative.
Panther GROW helps students verbalize the transferable skills they’ve gained on the job that are applicable in their coursework and vice versa.
Structured Reflections
Panther GROW encourages students and supervisors to focus on the job-coursework-career continuum by reflecting on the Panther Edge competencies as they take root in students.
Panther GROW outcomes are:
- To have students understand the skills obtained in the classroom are transferred into the work settings.
- To have students understand the skills obtained at work are transferred into classroom settings.
- For students to know which skills are transferable between their current work experience and future career goals.
- To have students make connections in more than one Panther GROW conversation.
Learn More About Panther GROW
Frequently Asked Questions
All UWM students hired as on-campus hourly student employees can have Panther GROW conversations with their supervisors, or with whomever their supervisors assigns to them for this purpose.
- You are required to attend a training prior to starting the semester. You can sign up for live trainings here. You can also do a self-paced training with live support from the student employment program manager, Susi Gomez Kennedy.
- When committing to participate in Panther GROW, you agree to have two conversations with your student workers, one within the first month of the semester and one at the end.
- During each conversation, you are also required to complete a three-question survey, available here
Panther GROW is adapted from the University of Iowa’s GROW. Iowa GROW data, collected yearly, shows tremendous benefits for students who participate in work-academic connection conversations with their supervisors. For example:
- GROW® participants were more likely to agree/strongly agree that their job was helping them attain our outcomes of student employment.
- GROW® participants were more likely to report that their student employment helped them gain work and career related skills, form relationships, improve their time management skills, and enhance their communication skills.
- Non-GROW participants were more likely to report that the major benefit of being a student employee was simply earning money
- GROW® participants were more likely to report that they gain problem solving abilities, communication skills, and general work habits as a student employee
- Non-GROW participants were more likely to report that they learned no new skills as a result of being a student employee
- Students who perceived the conversation as a work-academic connection conversation received the benefits of GROW®, reinforcing the need to be explicit about GROW® conversations.
It requires you to have two conversations per semester with your student employees.
If you already try to connect with your students in a humane way and aim to support their growth, you are already doing much of what Panther GROW asks.
Yes. We have in-person Panther GROW trainings before the beginning of each semester. We also offer a self-paced Panther GROW course accessible via CANVAS, and you can also schedule a private consultation with the student employment program manager, Susi Gomez Kennedy.
- Above all, do not use Panther GROW to evaluate your students. These conversations are meant solely for the benefit of your students, to provide them with support in their career development. No judgment takes place.
- Attend a Panther GROW training
- Prepare by filling up the pre-conversation Panther GROW supervisor questionnaire, and by becoming familiar with the Panther Edge.
- Watch our Panther GROW instructional videos, which model best practices
- Email your students the Panther GROW questions ahead of time and ask them to answer them in advance (no need to turn those in; you just want them to reflect in advance)
- Make time in your calendar to have two conversations per semester
- Ensure your conversation lasts at least 15 minutes total if doing one-on-one meetings. If you are doing a group conversation, plan for longer meetings but do not go over 60 minutes.
- Watch our Panther GROW instructional videos, which model best practices
- Attend a Panther GROW training
- Just converse! This is a chance for you to relate to your students as their guide and supporter aside from your supervisor dynamic. Get to know your students, help them see their skills and give them words to name their many gifts and talents. Panther GROW relies on the power of human connection in a no-judgment zone.
Listen with empathy. Your student is always more important than the agenda/list of questions. Consider reporting a student of concern to the Dean of Student’s office so that they can follow up with personal support.
- You need to have Panther GROW conversations with any hourly student your department has hired and you supervise. Students have two Panther GROW conversations per job per semester, because these conversations help them identify transferable skills unique to each job. Do not worry about other supervisors “repeating” Panther GROW. They will discuss different competences.
- These students are navigating an exceptional experience, learning to be flexible and to balance different responsibilities as well as management styles from their multiple jobs. Consider reflecting on this and helping these students describe their unique experience during your Panther GROW conversations. Give them words and ideas for them to incorporate this in their resume.
No. We want for your students to have the full experience of being listened to in person. Panther GROW is a chance for you to teach soft skills by example, such as non-verbal communication.
If due to extenuating circumstances you need to do this online, please contact Susi Gomez Kennedy, manager of the student employment program.
- Check our Panther GROW video resources. We have modeled conversations for this type of scenario.
- Give students a minute to think. You can also move onto the next question, and you can certainly address the silence if being quiet is unlike a student’s everyday self.
- Try a different question. Check out our Panther GROW Guides for a wealth of alternatives.
- Because you filled the supervisor questionnaire ahead of time and are familiar with the Panther Edge, you are well equipped to help students see the skills they have that may be invisible to them. Articulate what you see in your student, as often students take for granted their everyday skills.
- You can verbalize for them certain Panther Edge competencies that you know they are developing, and help them reflect on these.
- Watch our Panther GROW videos, as we have modeled conversations to help you in this situation.
UWM GROW is now Panther GROW. In 2020, UWM established the Center for Student Experience and Talent (SET), where we envision student work as a high impact, learning experience. We rebranded the conversations as Panther GROW, and while the questions and methodology are the same, now you receive extra assistance and in-depth trainings to support you on your co-educator role.
The key is to remember that these conversations are non-evaluative, and a chance to carve-out dedicated time to listen to your students and help them name their transferable skills.
- You need to at least 15 minutes per conversation, and you need to have two conversations per term with those students who start work at the beginning of the semester (students who start at mid-semester or later may only have one Panther GROW conversation, at your discretion).
- An option is to have a Panther GROW group conversation, where you meet with a maximum of six students at a time and go over all four questions with each of them as a group. Check out our Panther GROW video resources, it has examples of group management.
- You can also check out Panther GROW self-paced Canvas course.
- And you can always schedule a quick training review with Susi Gomez Kennedy, manager of the student employment program at SET.
- You can meet with a maximum of six students at a time and go over all four questions with each of them as a group. Check out our Panther GROW video resources, it has examples and instructions for group conversation management.
- Depending on the number of students, you will need more than 15 minutes for a group conversation. To have a vibrant conversation, we recommend you keep it at 45-60 minutes.
- You can have them in any quiet, clean place. Your choice of environment communicates to your student how seriously you take this time and signals that you will be listening carefully.
- You can have these in your office during a low traffic day, or at the students’ working area if, similarly, there will be no distractions and you find you can spend quality time.
If you are an hourly student worker, you can have Panther GROW conversations with your supervisor.
- Read your supervisor’s emails. They will send you a reminder before the conversation and will explain how to prepare.
- For the day of the conversation, you need to bring a completed Panther GROW questionnaire and you need access to a computer/phone to fill the pre-GROW survey.
Panther GROW is adapted from the University of Iowa’s GROW. Iowa GROW data, collected yearly, shows tremendous benefits for students who participate in work-academic connection conversations with their supervisors. For example:
- GROW® participants were more likely to agree/strongly agree that their job was helping them attain our outcomes of student employment.
- GROW® participants were more likely to report that their student employment helped them gain work and career related skills, form relationships, improve their time management skills, and enhance their communication skills.
- Non-GROW participants were more likely to report that the major benefit of being a student employee was simply earning money
- GROW® participants were more likely to report that they gain problem solving abilities, communication skills, and general work habits as a student employee
- Non-GROW participants were more likely to report that they learned no new skills as a result of being a student employee
- Students who perceived the conversation as a work-academic connection conversation received the benefits of GROW®, reinforcing the need to be explicit about GROW® conversations.
You need to have two Panther GROW conversations per semester with your supervisor during work hours. Prior to the conversation day, your supervisor will email you a reminder and materials, including a questionnaire you have to complete ahead of time.
Complete the questionnaire sent to you by your supervisor ahead of time.
Your supervisor will let you know whether you will be having a one-on-one meeting or a group conversation. Simply be ready to talk, and know that Panther GROW is a judgement-free conversation that cannot be used to evaluate you in any way.
No. However, under extenuating circumstances, you and your supervisor can contact Susi Gomez Kennedy for support.
That is great! We are adding trainings and support for supervisors, so your Panther GROW conversations may become all the more useful to you.
Your supervisor should make available a quiet place. You can have these while at workduring a low traffic day, just make sure there will be no distractions so you can spend quality time.