Damian Buchman

Time and Place

12:00 to 1:00 pm via Zoom

Please register for the virtual lecture here

The Innovative Cities Lecture Series

“Parks for everyBODY: Moving Beyond Accessibility to Universally Inclusive Parks” presentation by Damian Buchman, co-founder of The Opportunity Center, Inc. and founder and Executive Director of The Ability Center.

Lecture Summary:

While the intent of public parks is to be accessible to the public, in reality, their design often prohibits full use by people with disabilities and their loved ones. In this lecture, Damian Buchman will discuss ways to make parks not only accessible but also universally inclusive. He will discuss previous park and playground renovations and construction projects as well as current work on an 18-acre universally inclusive park in Wauwatosa. Learn about the breadth of accessibility considerations, common questions and issues, funding sources, and considerations for all stakeholders – from planners and architects to elected officials and neighborhood advocates.


Damian Buchman is the co-founder of The Opportunity Center, Inc. and the founder and Executive Director of The Ability Center. He is a public speaker, an advocate for people with disabilities, and a cancer survivor. His work in Milwaukee and beyond focuses on enhancing accessibility in and inclusivity of recreation opportunities. Damien has been involved in adding accessibility features to three Milwaukee parks and is currently working to transform a Wauwatosa park to be universally inclusive.

AICP-CM credits will be awarded.

Questions, comments?

All lectures are free and open to planners, students, staff, faculty, and friends of the University. Please contact Blythe Waldbillig, Department of Urban Planning Project Assistant at waldbil5@uwm.edu