Time and Place

12:00 to 1:00 pm via Zoom

Please register for the virtual lecture here

The Innovative Cities Lecture Series

“Community Engaged Art” presentation by Deshea Agee, Vice President of Emem Group, and Nathan Mattimoe, Art in Public Places Director for The Arts Commission in Toledo, OH.

Lecture Summary:

Learn how the leaders in Toledo, Ohio, and the Bronzeville District in Milwaukee are engaging local artists and community members to make and install art in the public realm. Through a percent for art program, the Art Commission in Toledo has led the implementation of over 100 public art pieces. The Bronzeville Center for the Arts has engaged youth and local residents to create and install various public art elements as part of their new building within the Bronzeville District. Join us to learn about implementing public art and successful strategies for community engagement.


Deshea Agee is the Vice President of Emem Group, where he focuses on project and developer management of the firm’s commercial projects. Deshea was previously the Executive Director of the Historic King Drive Business Improvement District. His expertise includes real estate and economic development, public process design, community outreach and program formulation. Deshea serves on the City of Milwaukee’s Bronzeville Advisory Committee, as well as on the Board of Directors of Employ Milwaukee and Safe and Sound. Deshea earned a Master of Science in Construction Management from the University of Wisconsin-Stout and a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from Marquette University.

Nathan Mattimoe is the Art in Public Places Director for The Arts Commission in Toledo, OH, where he has worked as a project manager for nine years. In his role, he administers the City of Toledo’s One Percent for Art ordinance through The Arts Commission’s Art in Public Places program. This includes managing new public art projects and overseeing the maintenance and conservation of the City’s more than 100 public art pieces, with additional focus on public art education and community outreach. Nathan also serves as a board member for the Toledo Design Center. He earned a Bachelor of Arts in Sculpture from the University of Toledo

AICP-CM credits will be awarded.
Feb 26 Community Engaged Art: AICP CM #9305070

Questions, comments?

All lectures are free and open to planners, students, staff, faculty, and friends of the University. Please contact Blythe Waldbillig, Department of Urban Planning Project Assistant at waldbil5@uwm.edu