MED-AUDIT Relaunches with National Science Foundation I-Corps Program

The Rehabilitation Research Design and Disability Center (R2D2) at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and Columbia University collaborated to develop the Medical Equipment Device-Accessibility and Universal Design Information Tool (MED-AUDIT). MED-AUDIT is, an innovative and novel measurement strategy that evaluates and reports the level of accessibility of medical devices and equipment to provide and improve personalized information to people with disabilities.

When someone with a disability needs to purchase a medical or health device such as a blood pressure monitor or a glucometer, they may have difficulties finding one that they can use due to their personal accessibility needs.

For example:

A blind person may need braille labels and/or voiced instructions to operate a device.

A person with severe arthritis might need a device that has controls with minimal pressure and manipulation requirements.

A person with a stroke or an upper limb amputation may need a one-handed device.

However, product labels and e-commerce shopping sites do not list these details in product descriptions. The lack of medical device information prompted the creation of MED-AUDIT.

Dr. Roger O. Smith is the director of the R₂D₂ Center at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and Dr. Rochelle Mendonca, a former UWM student, R₂D₂ staff member, and current Columbia University professor. Together, they formed a team of undergraduate, masters, and doctoral students to participate in the Southeast Wisconsin National Science Foundation Innovation Corps (I-Corps) program.

This work ran through the Spring andIn Summer of 2020 as the team participated in the National Science Foundation I-Corps program supported by, delivered through the Southeastern Wisconsin site. During participation in the jump-start and following intense four-week program, the team tested numerous hypotheses to explore the market through the customer discovery process. Completion of the I-Corps program yielded 58 interviews from multiple stakeholders offering different perspectives and advice on the project and provided strategies on the best pathway to commercialization.

For more information please contact – Dr. Roger O. Smith at or Dr. Rochelle Mendonca at