Use UWM’s Total Cost Calculator to estimate the total cost of your education.
Students in the MPH, PhD and graduate certificate programs qualify as on-campus graduate students. View current tuition and fee rates.
Scholarships and Awards
Scholarships and funding for tuition and expenses are important considerations for every student. There are opportunities and instructions listed here for all levels of degree and specific to public health as well as broader campus initiatives.
The scholarship process for all students begins with the Panther Scholarship Portal. In the Panther Scholarship Portal, you can browse scholarships that currently are accepting applications.
View a complete list of Zilber College of Public Health Scholarship opportunities.
Scholarship applications cannot be submitted during the month of September as the Panther Scholarship Portal is closed for annual maintenance.
UWM strongly recommends all eligible students complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) annually.
General Application
The Panther Scholarship Portal “General Application,” consists of a complete profile about yourself – work history, internships, extracurricular activities, etc. Your answers in the “General Application” carry forward from year-to-year.
Students are strongly encouraged to complete all sections of the General Application. Even though they may not be marked as required fields, you are more likely to receive a scholarship if you answer all the questions in the application. Be sure to explain any financial need and other barriers to completing your degree. Include specific public health experiences and public health academic career goals.
In addition, students should carefully compose their answers to the essay questions. Significant grammatical mistakes and spelling errors may reduce your chances for ZCPH scholarships.
Can I apply for specific scholarships?
You might also see scholarships on your dashboard for which you may apply specifically beyond submitting the general application. These scholarships DO require additional information in another application. More information will be requested when you click Apply.
New Incoming Freshman/Transfer Students
- Students admitted to UWM with an intended major in the Zilber College of Public Health (Public Health, Kinesiology, or Nutritional Sciences) will be considered for opportunities based on their admission data. Admission data includes high school GPA, date of admission, extracurricular activities, etc. Initial offers will be sent to eligible students that applied by the priority deadline.
- New freshmen and transfer students may also review the Panther Scholarship Portal for university-wide scholarships that are not specific to an academic program or major. Applicants for these scholarships may be asked to complete a few supplemental questions or submit additional information.
- New freshmen are automatically considered for the Chancellor’s Merit Scholarship.
New Incoming MS/MPH/PhD Students
- Students may be eligible for awards based on review of the academic record, letters of recommendation, reasons statement, and test scores. Initial offers will be sent to eligible students that applied by the priority deadline.
Continuing Undergraduate, Accelerated Graduate Degree (AGD), Master’s and PhD Students
- Students will receive an email reminder to their UWM email account in November to complete or update their general application for scholarships awarded in the next academic year. The submission deadline date is February 1st. Providing updated information will increase your chances of being awarded a scholarship.
- Retention scholarship opportunities on the Scholarship Portal will require you to complete additional questions in addition to the general application. The instructions will be listed under specific scholarship opportunities.
- Please be sure to read all emails re: scholarship opportunities!
Additional Notes
- In the event you are awarded the Distinguished Graduate Student, Distinguished Dissertator, or Advanced Opportunity Fellowship from UW-Milwaukee you will not be able to also receive a scholarship from ZCPH in the same academic year.
- Students are not eligible for more than one ZCPH award in any given academic year.
- If you choose to accept a scholarship offer from the ZCPH, you will need to answer post acceptance questions (thank you to the donor) before the ZCPH can award the scholarship.
UW-Milwaukee Graduate Fellowships
The UWM Graduate School offers various Graduate Fellowships for full-time incoming and continuing graduate students. All new incoming graduate students who apply to Graduate Fellowships must submit their SOPHAS application and separate Fellowship application by the priority deadline.
Additional Resources
Graduate Student Travel Awards