Georg Essl
Research Professor
Mathematical Sciences - General
Web: Personal Website
Educational Degrees
- PhD, Computer Science, Princeton University, 2002
- MA, Computer Science, Princeton University, 1999
- Diplom-Ingenieur, Telematik, Graz University of Technology, 1996
Research Interests
- Research of Musical Sound and Interaction at the intersection of Mathematics, Computer Science, and Psychology.
- Mathematical and Physical Sound Synthesis & Analysis
- Numerical Methods, Applied and Computational Topology, Dynamical Systems
- Human-Computer Interactions
Selected Service and Projects
- Conference Chair - International Conference for New Interfaces for Musical Expression, Ann Arbor Michigan, 2012.
- Research Coordinator of the Board of the International Computer Music Association (ICMA), 2007-2013.
- New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME) Steering Committee 2012-2014, Advisory Board 2014-current.
- Architect and developer of urMus, a platform for mobile music making.