Looking for information on book artists, private presses, art galleries, papermakers and more?

The Special Collections Vertical File, located in a file cabinet in the Special Collections reading room, contains miscellaneous publications, brochures, mailings, and ephemera related both to collections housed in Special Collections and local and national book arts and artists, presses, etc. The Vertical File is for public use, and can be accessed in Special Collections. The file is indexed below.

IDFolder TitleType of InformationAlso Known AsFiled UnderDrawer
1Agresti, Mary-AnnBook Artist1
2Aiello, NicalaBook Artist1
3Ampersand ClubPrivate Press1
5Arcadian PressPrivate PressHeft, CarenArcadian Press1
6Artichoke Yink PressPrivate Press1
7Bad Water BookclubPrivate Press1
8Barton, CarolBook Artist1
9Baskin, LeonardBook ArtistGehenna PressBaskin, Leonard1
10Gehenna PressPrivate PressBaskin, Leonard1
11Bellavance, LeslieArtist1
12Belloff, MindyBook ArtistIntima PressBelloff, Mindy1
13Intima PressPrivate PressBelloff, MindyBelloff, Mindy1
14Bet Alpha EditionsPrivate Press1
15Bieler PressPrivate Press1
16Bjerke, CarolBook Artist1
17Black Hawk ArtistsBook Artist1
18Blue Moon PressPrivate Press1
19Blue Valentine PressPrivate Press1
20Book Arts Center, Wells CollegeBook Arts Center1
21Book Arts, GeneralCollection Info1
22BooklynPrivate PressWeber, MarshallBooklyn1
23Weber, MarshallBook ArtistBooklyn1
24Boston Book ArtsPrivate Press1
25Brighton PressPrivate Press1
26Buckner PressPrivate Press1
27Bullnettle PressPrivate Press1
28Carothers, MarthaBook Artist1
29Cave PaperPapermaker1
30Center for the Book & Paper Arts, Columbia CollegeBook Arts CenterChicago Center for Book and Paper ArtsChicago Center for Book and Paper Arts1
31Charles Bevan PressPrivate PressBevan, CharlesCharles Bevan Press1
32Bevan, CharlesPrivate PressCharles Bevan PressCharles Bevan Press1
33Chicago Center for Book and PaperBook Arts CenterCenter for the Book & Paper Arts, Columbia CollegeChicago Center for Book and Paper1
34Columbia CollegeSchoolChicago Center for Book and PaperChicago Center for Book and Paper1
35Circle PressPrivate Press1
36Clamp Down PressPrivate Press1
37Cloud Hills BooksPrivate Press1
38Coffee House PressPrivate PressToothpaste PressCoffee House Press1
39Toothpaste PressPrivate PressCoffee House PressCoffee House Press1
40Colescott, WarringtonBook Artist1
41Cream City EditionsPrivate PressIRIS PrintingCream City Editions1
42IRIS PrintingPrivate PressCream City EditionsCream City Editions1
43Cummington PressPrivate Press1
44Cummins, MaureenBook Artist1
45Damp Flat PressPrivate PressBatey, JackieDamp Flat Press1
46Batey, JackieBook ArtistDamp Flat PressDamp Flat Press1
47Dangling Participle PressPrivate Press1
48Deetz, KristyBook Artist1
49Dieu Donne PapermillPrivate Press1
50Ediciones VigiaPrivate Press1
51Elysium PressPapermaker1
52Eve PressPrivate Press1
53Facsimilie Editions LimitedPrivate Press1
54Fenwood ImprintsPrivate Press1
55Fine, DianeBook ArtistMoonkosh PressFine, Diane1
56Moonkosh PressPrivate PressFine, DianeFine, Diane1
57Foolscap PressPrivate Press1
58Flying Paper PressPrivate Press1
59Geniusz, EdArtist1
60Granary Books, Inc.Private Press1
61Green Chair PressPrivate Press1
62Grey Spider PressPrivate Press1
63Hamoy, CarolBook Artist1
64Hanka, LadislavBook Artist1
65Harman, BarbaraBook Artist1
66Haybarn PressBook Artist1
67Heavy Duty PressPrivate Press1
68Hanmer, KarenBook Artist1
69Hill PressPrivate Press1
70Ichiyama, DennisBook Artist1
71Iguana PressPrivate Press1
72Inland PrintersPrivate Press1
73International Arts Festival 2000Event1
74IconometerPrivate PressJager, EdwinIconometer1
75Jager, EdwinBook ArtistIconometerIconometer1
76Johnson, RobertBook ArtistMelia PressJohnson, Robert2
77Melia PressPrivate PressJohnson, RobertJohnson, Robert2
78Joshua Heller Rare BooksBook DealerHeller, JoshuaJoshua Heller Rare Books2
79Heller, JoshuaBook DealerJoshua Heller Rare BooksJoshua Heller Rare Books2
80Journal of Artists' BooksJournal/Magazine2
81Jubilee PressPrivate Press2
82Juvelis, PriscillaBook Artist2
83Kat Ran PressPrivate Press2
84Katz, BabetteBook Artist2
85King, SusanBook Artist2
86Koch, PeterBook Artist2
87Kohler Art Library, UW-MadisonLibrary2
88Koppa, MichaelBook Artist2
89Langworthy, SaraBook Artist2
90Lark SparrowPrivate Press2
91Luna SeaPrivate Press2
92Minnesota Center for Book ArtsBook Arts CenterMCBAMinnesota Center for Book Arts2
93MCBABook Arts CenterMinnesota Center for Book ArtsMinnesota Center for Book Arts2
94Mitkus, IreneBook Artist2
95Morales-Zamorano, FransiscoBook Artist2
96Moss, DavidBook Artist2
97Mystical Places PressPrivate Press2
98National Museum of Women in the ArtsGallery/Museum2
99Native Images EditionsPrivate PressStolpe, DanNative Images Editions2
100Stolpe, DanPrivate PressNative Images EditionsNative Images Editions2
101Nebraska Book Arts CenterBook Arts Center2
102Never Mind the PressPrivate Press2
103New York Center for the Book ArtsBook Arts Center2
104Nexus PressPrivate Press2
105Ninja PressPrivate Press2
106Nomadic PressPrivate Press2
107Old Stile PressPrivate Press2
108Outteridge, AdeleBook Artist2
109PABAGallery/MuseumPhoto Art Book ArtPABA2
110Photo Art Book ArtGallery/MuseumPABAPABA2
111Palabra PressPrivate Press2
112Parallel PressPrivate Press2
113Pennyroyal PressPrivate Press2
114Moser, BarryArtist2
115Pentagram PressPrivate Press2
116People to People PressPrivate PressFerruci, KatePeople to People Press2
117Ferruci, KatePrivate PressPeople to People PressPeople to People Press2
118Perishable PressPrivate Press2
119Philosopher PressPrivate Press2
120Picnic PressPrivate Press2
121Piontkowski, James L.Book Artist2
122Platen PressPrivate Press2
123Poehlmann, JoAnnaBook Artist2
124Press of Appletree AlleyPrivate Press2
125Price, RobinBook Artist2
126Protean PressPrivate PressLaird, MaryProtean Press2
127Laird, MaryBook ArtistProtean PressProtean Press2
128Pyracantha PressBook Artist2
129Pyramid AtlanticPrivate Press2
130Quelquefois PressPrivate Press3
131ReaLibrarySchoolDietzal, TracyReaLibrary3
132Dietzal, TracySchoolReaLibraryReaLibrary3
133Red Door StudioPrivate PressPierce, DannyRed Door Studio3
134Pierce, DannyBook ArtistRed Door StudioRed Door Studio3
135Red Howler PressPrivate Press3
136Rieke, GailBook Artist3
137SailorBOYpressPrivate PressMorin, JeffSailorBOYpress3
138Morin, JeffBook ArtistSailorBOYpressSailorBOYpress3
139Salient Seedling PressPrivate Press3
140Kuehn, KathyBook Artist2
141San Francisco Center for the BookBook Arts Center3
142Satin, Claire JeanineBook Artist3
143Shanilec, GaylordBook Artist3
144Schneider, UtaBook Artist3
145Stoltz, UlrikeBook ArtistSchneider, Uta3
146Seven Hills PressPrivate Press3
147Sherwin Beach PressPrivate Press3
148Shulamis PressPrivate Press3
149Silver Buckle PressPrivate Press3
150Simensky Bietila, SueArtist3
152Sligh, ClarissaBook Artist3
153Smith, KeithBook Artist3
154Stone House PressPrivate Press3
155Studio D'AmbrosioPrivate Press3
156Sutton Hoo PressPrivate PressOness, C. Mikal & ElizabethSutton Hoo Press3
157Oness, C. Mikal & ElizabethBook ArtistSutton Hoo PressSutton Hoo Press3
158Sweet Pie PressPrivate Press3
159Third Space Book Arts GalleryGallery/Museum3
160Thomas, Peter & DonnaBook Artist3
161Tiramisu PressPrivate Press3
162Turkey PressPrivate Press3
163Turtle Island PressPrivate Press3
164TypocraftersPrivate Press3
165Unicat TPrivate Press3
166Visual Studies Workshop PressPrivate Press3
167Vixen PressPrivate Press3
168Weil, James L.Private PressKelly-Winteron PressWeil, James L.3
169Kelly-Winteron PressPrivate PressWeil, James L.Weil, James L.3
170Winer, PatriciaBook Artist3
171Wing and Wheel PressPrivate Press3
172Wirth, KarenBook Artist3
173Wisconsin PressesCollection Info3
174Women's Studio WorkshopBook Arts Center3
175Woodland PatternBook Arts Center3
176Wriston Art Center, Lawrence UniversityGallery/Museum3
177Wustum MuseumGallery/Museum3
178Yellow Barn PressPrivate Press3
179Marquette UniversitySchool2
180City of God (De Civitate Dei)Collection InfoMarquette UniversityCity of God (De Civitate Dei)1
181Marquette UniversityCollection InfoCity of God (De Civitate Dei)City of God (De Civitate Dei)1
182Milwaukee LGBT Community CenterCommunity Group2
183Playboy MagazineCollection Info2
184Wright, Frank Lloyd - Milwaukee Prairie Home LocationsEphemeraMilwaukee Prairie Home LocationsWright, Frank Lloyd - Milwaukee Prairie Home Locations3
185Milwaukee Prairie Home LocationsEphemeraWright, Frank Lloyd - Milwaukee Prairie Home LocationsWright, Frank Lloyd - Milwaukee Prairie Home Locations3
186Wright, Frank Lloyd - BibliographyEphemera3
187International Socialist MovementEphemeraFromkin - International Socialist MovementInternational Socialist Movement1
188Fromkin - International Socialist MovementEphemeraInternational Socialist MovementInternational Socialist Movement1
189Oklahoma Committee for the Defense of Political PrisonersEphemeraFromkin - Oklahoma Committee for the Defense of Political PrisonersOklahoma Committee for the Defense of Political Prisoners2
190Fromkin - Oklahoma Committee for the Defense of Political PrisonersEphemeraOklahoma Committee for the Defense of Political PrisonersOklahoma Committee for the Defense of Political Prisoners2
191Moleiro, M.Book Dealer2
192Kennedy, AmosBook ArtistNappygramsKennedy, Amos2
193NappygramsBook ArtistKennedy, AmosKennedy, Amos2
194Pre- 1800 ImprintsCollection Info16th CenturyPre- 1800 Imprints2
19516th CenturyCollection InfoPre- 1800 ImprintsPre- 1800 Imprints2
196CitationsCollection Info1
197Book Arts ArticlesEphemera1
198Fast, Howard- Book CoversEphemera1
199Cunningham, E.V. Book CoversEphemera1
200De Civitate Dei (City of God)Collection InfoCity of God (De Civitate Dei)City of God (De Civitate Dei)1
201Rothschild HaggadahEphemera3
202Heft, CarenBook ArtistArcadian PressArcadian Press1
204Bay View Book Arts GalleryGallery/Museum1
205Spector, BuzzBook Artist3
206Simpson, AliceBook Artist3
207Didymus PressPrivate Press1
208Campbell-Logan BinderyPrivate Press1
209Rosenblum, Martin J.Artist3
210Jacobs, Diane E.Artist1
211PaperworksBook Arts CenterSonoran Collective for Paper and Book ArtistsPaperworks2
212Sonoran Collective for Paper and Book ArtistsBook Arts CenterPaperworksPaperworks2
213Chicago Hand BookbindersBook Arts Center1
214Diminutive DigestEphemera1
215Projet Mobilivre Bookmobile ProjectBook Arts CenterBookmobileBookmobile1
216BookmobileBook Arts CenterProjet Mobilivre Bookmobile ProjectBookmobile1
217Carlsten Art GalleryGallery/Museum1
218American Philosophical SocietyEphemera1
219Stone, TamarBook Artist3
220Wisdex (Wisconsin Biography Index)Ephemera3
221Loft Writers' StudiosBook Arts Center2
222Wakefield, BobArtist3
223Sherman, Stanley M.Book Artist3
224Sures, LynnBook Artist3
225South Haven Center for the ArtsBook Arts Center3
226De Pol, JohnArtist1
227McCarney, ScottBook Artist2
228Ink ShopBook Arts Center1
229Mitchell Gallery of FlightGallery/MuseumFriends of Mitchell Gallery of FlightMitchell Gallery of Flight2
230Friends of Mitchell Gallery of FlightGallery/MuseumMitchell Gallery of FlightMitchell Gallery of Flight2
231Camberwell College of ArtsSchool1
232Moving Parts PressPrivate Press2