This is a collection of resources from UWM and beyond to help get the most out of the Equipment and Reserve collection.

Accessible Services and Resources » – A comprehensive collection of services, resources and facilities features from all departments of the UWM Libraries. If a service or resource that you are looking for is not listed, please contact the Libraries’ ADA liaison Beth Traylor at so that we can follow up.

This information can be made available in alternative formats upon request to the UWM Libraries Administrative Office.

Chromebook Tools:

UtilityKeyboard shortcut
Chrome Vox – screen reading softwareCtrl+Alt+z (Control and Alt and Z keys)
Magnifier – Changes screen resolutionTo make things bigger: Ctrl + Shift and + (Control and Shift and Plus)
To make things smaller: Ctrl + Shift and – (Control and Shift and Minus)
To reset resolution: Ctrl + Shift + 0 (Control and Shift and Zero)
Zoom In/OutZoom In: Ctrl and + (Control and Plus)
Zoom Out: Ctrl and – (Control and Minus)
Contrast – Changes screen contrastCtrl + Alt + Brightness up or down keys (Control and Alt and Brightness up key or Brightness down key)
Read&Write – App features text to speech, voice dictation, research aides, and highlighting tools.Download from Chrome Web Store
Speak It – World of Extension – text to speech programChrome Extention
Voice Recognition – voice recognition programDownload from Chrome Web Store
Full List of Chromebook Accessibility Keyboard ShortcutsSearch or scroll down to Accessibility section

Stock and Royalty Free Assets


  • UWM Knowledgebase  – creating streaming DVD clips – searchable index of campus information.
  • Handbrake – Free, open-source video transcoder
  • iMovie (MAC/iPhone): One of the simplest programs available for basic editing. iMovie is great for someone just learning the basics of editing, allowing for some special effects and transitions.
  • Adobe Premiere (Windows/MAC/iPhone): This program is quickly becoming the most popular in the industry. It’s simple for beginners, but has hundreds of specialties for an advanced editor to master. Premiere is often used to complete professional films and commercials, as well as basic school projects or compilations. Premiere has a fantastic titling tool, allowing the editor to quickly, efficiently, and creatively add titles to their project. Premiere does not allow for multiple editors to work on the same project, or create some of the cutting edge effects
  • Adobe After Effects (Windows/Mac): This program is huge. It allows for so much creative control, but it is extremely unforgiving and difficult for beginners. After Effects is best used for special effects rather than actually editing a video, as most editors will make the effect here, then export it into a separate Premiere timeline.
  • Video Editor App and Clipchamp (Windows): For fast and simple single-clip editing, you can use the Video Editor app found in Photos. For more options and more complex videos try Microsoft Clipchamp.
  • Scan with your phone – You can scan documents to PDF with your phone. Android, iOS, and Samsung options available.

LinkedIn Learning tutorials are free to UWM students, staff and faculty. They include:

  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Garageband
  • Audacity
  • iMovie
  • Camtasia
  • Premiere Pro
  • Final Cut Pro
  • Windows Movie Maker
Image of two semi-enclosed study rooms. They have walls, but no door. The first room has video viewing equipment.
Viewing carrel and open study carrel in Equipment & Reserve area, Lower Level West
A small room with no door. The room contains a chair, desk, and shelf.
Open study carrel located Lower Level East

Two rows of semi-enclosed study carrels are available on a first come, first served basis. One is located along the south wall of the Equipment & Reserve area on the lower level, west wing of the library. The other is in the East Wing of the the Lower Level near the East Wing entrance/exit.

Three of the carrels have equipment that may be used by all library visitors. The remaining carrels are available for online/Zoom classes or individual study. Please note this is an active study area of the library. So, ambient noise levels may vary.

Viewing Carrels – The first carrel has a VHS, DVD, and Blu-Ray player. The third carrel from the left has a DVD/International DVD player.

Typewriter – Available in the second to last open study carrel along the wall behind the DVDs in the Equipment and Reserve Services study area. Typing paper is not supplied. Typewriter Guide

Open Carrels – All open carrels have a desk, tabletop outlet, and chair enclosed by by walls, but no door.