
David Allen

Emeritus Professor


PhD, University of Minnesota
MA, The Pennsylvania State University
BS, University of Wisconsin–La Crosse

Courses Taught

JAMS 361 — Media Ethics
JAMS 381 — Controlling Dissent: Legal and Ethical Restraints on Expression in American Society
JAMS 559 — Law of Mass Communication
JAMS 661 — Seminar in Mass Communication and Society
JAMS 860 — Seminar in Mass Communication: Newswork and the New Capitalism

Research Interests

Media ethics, freedom of speech, media and political theory. Current research focuses on free speech zones and the management of dissent in democratic society.

Teaching Areas

Media Ethics, Law of Mass Communication, News and the Construction of Reality

Selected Publications

Allen, David S.“Spatial Ethics and the Public Forum”New York, NY: Peter Lang. .
Allen, David S.“”Limiting Participatory Culture: The New Police Power and Free Speech Zones”” Urban Communication Regulation: Designing Communication Abundance and Limits in the Urban CenturyEd. Drucker, Susan J., and Jassem, Harvey. New York, NY: Peter Lang. ().
Allen, David S.“Limiting Participatory Culture: The New Police Power and the Legitimization of Free Speech Zones” Urban Communication Regulation: Communication Freedoms and Limits. Eds. Harvey Jassem and Susan J. Drucker. New York: Peter Lang (2018)(2018).
Allen, David S., and Hindman, Elizabeth B.“The Media and Democracy: Using Democratic Theory in Journalistic Ethics” The Ethics of Journalism: Individual, Institutional and Cultural InfluencesEd. Wyatt, Wendy. London: IB Tauris. (2014): 185-203.
Allen, David S.“Creating Meaning, Creating Citizens: The U.S. Supreme Court and the Control of Meaning in the Public Sphere” Communication and Law: Multidisciplinary Approaches to ResearchEd. Reynolds, Amy , and Barnett, Brooke . Mahwah, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum. (2006): 109-137.
Allen, David S.“Jürgen Habermas and the Search for Democratic Principles” Moral Engagement in Public Life: Theorists for Contemporary EthicsEd. Bracci, Sharon L., and Christians, Clifford G.New York, New York: Peter Lang Publishing. (2002): 97-122.
. Freeing the First Amendment: Critical Perspectives on Freedom of ExpressionEd. Allen, David S., and Jenson, Robert. New York: New York: New York University Press. 1995.