Innovative Weather Has Closed
Innovative Weather has ceased all operations as of April 30th, 2024. While our student internships and forecasting services have discontinued, this website stands to tell the legacy of Innovative Weather and it’s alumni.

Paul Roebber

  • Director & Founder, Innovative Weather

Dr. Paul Roebber is the Founder of Innovative Weather and a Professor of Atmospheric Sciences in the UWM School of Freshwater Sciences. His research in synoptic meteorology has led to improvements in operational tools used by the National Weather Service, Weather Eye, Inc., and WE Energies. Dr. Roebber's background includes experience in mesoscale numerical model prediction, private forecasting, and editing the journal of Weather and Forecasting. He has been the recipient of the American Meteorological Society's Editors Award, the UWM Research Foundation Senior Faculty Award, and the Distinguished Undergraduate Teaching Award.