Innovative Weather Has Closed
Innovative Weather has ceased all operations as of April 30th, 2024. While our student internships and forecasting services have discontinued, this website stands to tell the legacy of Innovative Weather and it’s alumni.

Andrew Hickok

  • Alumni

My name is Andrew Hickok, and I am in my 3rd year at UWM. I originally started out at the University of Oklahoma (Boomer Sooner!) but decided to transfer closer to home here at UWM during my freshman year. I was born and raised in Waukesha where my family has resided for generations. As a kid I was very fearful of the weather, especially severe thunderstorms and tornados, but as I got older that fear turned into a fascination and passion for these unique phenomena that occur in nature. I knew from early on that meteorology was my direction in life. My passion in meteorology now resides in wanting to help people understand the weather so that they will be prepared when weather happens, whether that be through research or forecasting. I am currently working on undergraduate research with Dr. Clark Evans here at UWM regrading tropical cyclone intensification/maintenance overland. Research has been a fulfilling and exciting experience and that coupled with the forecasting experience with Innovative Weather has only grown the passion for the weather that has existed from early on. I also am being onboarded to the mentorship program in our program to help the young students in the program feel included and answers any questions they may have. Outside of the office and school you will find me playing guitar, going to concerts, building my computer coding experience, supporting the Nashville Predators, Brewers, Bucks, Packers, and spending lots of time with my family. I am unsure the direction in the field I want to take at the moment but know whatever I do in the field will be motivated by my passion for communicating the risk of weather to people in hopes to help them and save lives.