Innovative Weather Has Closed
Innovative Weather has ceased all operations as of April 30th, 2024. While our student internships and forecasting services have discontinued, this website stands to tell the legacy of Innovative Weather and it’s alumni.

Austin Guarniere

  • Author & High School Teacher, Aurora Public Schools

My father has owned a whitewater rafting company since I was a baby and weather is a major factor in the company's success. Without enough rain, there isn't enough water for rafting, which means no profit. Almost every night my family would watch to see if any rain was in the forecast. I am fascinated not only by weather concepts, but also the social and economic aspects weather has on people. I love how weather can affect our lives, whether it is a beautiful day, or for my family, a good rain throughout northeastern Wisconsin. The University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, as well as Innovative Weather, has been a wonderful experience so far and has given me the opportunity to learn more about such a complex and rich topic that affects everyone. I have really enjoyed being the one to tell the rest of the family, The rain is on the way!