- kipp@uwm.edu
- 414-251-8694
- Northwest Quadrant D 2955
- https://pantherfile.uwm.edu/kipp/public/
Margaret Kipp
- Associate Professor, School of Information Studies
- PhD, 2009, University of Western Ontario (Library and Information Science)
- MLIS, 2002, University of Western Ontario
- BSc, 1999, University of Ottawa (Computer Science)
Margaret E. I. Kipp is an Assistant Professor and member of the Information Organization Research Group, School of Information Studies, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. She has a background in computer science and worked as a programmer/analyst and a systems librarian. She completed a BSc in Computer Science from the University of Ottawa. She also has an MLIS and a PhD in Library and Information Science from the University of Western Ontario, London, ON. Her research interests include social tagging, metadata and the semantic web, natural language and controlled vocabulary indexing, classification systems, information retrieval, and visualizations of information organization systems. She has taught courses in information organization, metadata, information sources and services, programming and database management.
Courses Taught
511 Organization of Information
714 Metadata
791 Linked Data in Libraries: Library Mashups, the Semantic Web and Web 2.0
Sample Publications
Kipp, Margaret E.I. 2011. Tagging of Biomedical Articles on CiteULike: A Comparison of User, Author and Professional Indexing. Knowledge Organization 38(3): 245-261.
Kipp, Margaret E.I. 2011. User, Author and Professional Indexing in Context: An Exploration of Tagging Practices on CiteULike. Canadian Journal of Library and Information Science 35(1): 17-48.
Kipp, Margaret E.I. and Campbell, D. Grant. 2010. Searching with Tags: Do Tags Help Users Find Things? Knowledge Organization 37(4): 239-255.
Tonkin, E., Corrado, E.M., Moulaison, H.L., Kipp, M.E.I., Pfeiffer, H.D. and Zhang, Q. (2008). Collaborative and social tagging networks. Ariadne 54. http://www.ariadne.ac.uk/issue54/tonkin-et-al/
Vaughan, L., Kipp, M.E.I., and Gao, Y. (2007). Are co-linked business websites really related? A content analysis. Online Information Review 31(4): 440-450.
Vaughan, L., Kipp, M.E.I., and Gao, Y. (2007). Why are websites co-linked?: The case of canadian universities. Scientometrics 72(1): 81-92.
Kipp, M.E.I. (2005). Complementary or discrete contexts in online indexing: A comparison of user, creator, and intermediary keywords. Canadian Journal of Information and Library Science 29(4): 419-436.