- shersh@uwm.edu
- 414-229-2474
- Northwest Quadrant D 3965
Susan Hersh
- Teaching Faculty III, School of Information Studies
Senior Lecturer/School Library Media
- BS French and Psychology, University of Wisconsin-Madison
- BA Elementary Education, University of Wisconsin-Madison
- MLIS & School Library Media Certification, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Susan’s career as a K-12 classroom teacher took her to Gurnee, Wilmette, Boise, Singapore, and San Diego. After receiving her MLIS from SOIS, she was a School Library Media Specialist in the Milwaukee area for grades 5-12 in the in the Shorewood School District, and grades K-5 the Mequon-Thiensville School District. Susan is UW-Milwaukee's School Library Media Coordinator, assisting and advising students in Wisconsin, and other states, in obtaining certification as K-12 library media specialists.
Courses Taught
INFOST 520 Managing Library Collections
INFOST 524 Management of Library and Information Services
INFOST 630 Strategies for Managing Group Learning & Assessment in Libraries
INFOST 642 School Library Media Programs and Resources
INFOST 647 Library Services for Children and Young Adults
Published Work
Hersh, S. and Peterson, R. (2013). The distribution of resources. In Rethinking Mathematics, 2nd edition. Milwaukee, WI: Rethinking Schools.
Hersh, S. and Nelson, S. (2024). Understanding UWM's Four Pathways to School Library Licensure. Presentation at Wisconsin Educational Media and Technology Conference, Wisconsin Dells, WI.
Hersh, S. and Sadowsky, A. (2023). College and Career Ready with Career Discovery Modules. Presentation at School Leaders and Technology Conference, Wisconsin Dells, WI.
Hersh, S., Treptow, M., Zellmann S., et. al., (2016). Improve teacher effectiveness with a research and digital learning specialist. Presentation at School Leaders Advancing Technology in Education, Wisconsin Dells, WI.
Hersh, S. and Miller A. (2014). With liberty and books for all: reading and writing to build community. Presentation at The Educators Network for Social Justice Conference, Franklin, WI.