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Melodie Fox

  • Adjunct Instructor, School of Information Studies

Adjunct Instructor


  • PhD, Information Studies, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
  • MLIS, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
  • MA, English, University of Illinois at Chicago
  • BA, English, University of St. Thomas


Dr. Melodie Fox is an adjunct instructor at the School of Information Studies, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (UWM). She completed an MLIS and PhD in Library and Information Science at UWM with an information organization track and a gender studies minor. She teaches the foundations course in organization of information. Dr. Fox's research interests include gender classification, epistemology, and ethics in the context of subject access. Dr. Fox's publications have appeared in Knowledge Organization, Journal of Documentation, JELIS, and Library Trends, among others.

Courses Taught

511 Organization of Information

Sample publications

Fox, M.J. (2016). Subjects in doubt: The ontogeny of intersex in the Dewey Decimal Classification. Knowledge Organization 43(8). 581-593.

Fox, M.J. (2016). “Priorities of arrangement” or a “hierarchy of oppressions”?: Perspectives on intersectionality in knowledge organization. Knowledge Organization 43(5). 373-383.

Fox, M.J. (2016). Legal discourse’s epistemic interplay with sex and gender classification in the Dewey Decimal Classification. Library Trends 64(4). 687-713.

Fox, M.J. & Reece, A. M. (2012). Which ethic? Whose morality?: An analysis of ethical standards for the organization of information. Knowledge Organization 39(5), 377-383.

Fox, M.J. & Olson, H.A. (2012). Feminist epistemologies and knowledge organization. In Hur-li Lee and Richard Smiraglia (eds.), Cultural frames of knowledge. Wurzburg: Ergon Verlag. 79-98.

Fox, M.J. (2011). Prototype theory: An alternative concept theory for sex and gender? Knowledge Organization, 38(4), 328-334.