Philip Shashko
- Professor Emeritus, History
- PhD, University of Michigan, 1969
- MA, University of California, Berkeley, 1961
- BA, Michigan State University, East Lansing, 1960
Courses Taught
- Hist 192 - Freshman Seminar
- Hist 206 - Europe and the Modern World: 1815 to the Present
- Hist 293 - Seminar on Historical Method: Theory and Approach
- Hist 341 - Imperial Russia: From Despotism to the Bolshevik Revolution
- Hist 343 - The Sovient Union: From Lenin to Gorbachev
- Hist 399 - Honors Seminar
- Hist 345 - The Modern Balkans: Nationalism, War, and Democracy
- Hist 600 - Seminar in History: Nationalism; Cold War; The "Other" in Travelers' Accounts
- Hist 712 - Historiography and Theory of History
- Hist 713 - Historical Research Methods
- Hist 850 - Colloquium in European History
- Hist 950 - Seminar in European History
- Hist 965 - Seminar in Modern European Intellectual History
- Hist 970 - Seminar in Modern European Political History
Teaching Interests
- Russian/Soviet History
- Southeast Europe
- Undergraduate and Graduate methodology and historiography seminars Graduate seminars on political, social and intellectual l history
- Cold War
- Nationalism
Research Interests
- Modern Balkan history and culture
- Russian and Balkan political and intellectual movements
- Folklore, local history
Related Activities
- Member of the Executive Council of the American Association for Southeast European Studies, l975-l978
- Vice President, Bulgarian Studies Association, 1974-1978
- Member, Editorial Board, Urbanism Past and Present, 1976-1978
- Managing Editor, responsible for Comparative Intellectual/Cultural Studies of Southeastern Europe/L'Europe du Sud Est, 1981-1998