Joseph Rodriguez

  • Professor, History
  • Affiliated Professor, Urban Studies

Courses Taught

  • Hist 152 - American History - 1877 to the Present
  • Hist 267 - The History of Latinos in the United States
  • Hist 271 - The 1960s in the United States - A Cultural History
  • UrbStd 980 - Growth of Urban Society 

Teaching Interests

American History; ethnic history; Latino history; US urban history

Research Interests

U.S. Latino history; U.S. urban history; urban studies

Related Activities

  • Member of the Urban History Association; President, Latino Historical Society of Wisconsin.
  • Faculty representative for Phi Alpha Theta.

Selected Publications

Rodriguez, Joseph A.Bootstrap New Urbanism: Design, Race, and Redevelopment in MilwaukeeLanham, New Jersey: Lexington Books. 2014: 241
Rodriguez, Joseph A.“Review of Ana Y. Ramos-Zyas, Streeet Therapists” Social Service ReviewSocial Service Review. (2013).