Jessica Nelson

  • Assistant Visiting Professor, History


  • PhD, History, Rutgers
  • MA, Spanish Cultural Studies, NYU
  • BA, History, Notre Dame 

Teaching Schedule

Course Num Title Meets Syllabus
HIST 400-001 Topics in Latin American and Caribbean History: Digital Humanities, Memory, and Visual Culture MW 10am-11:15am
HIST 400G-001 Topics in Latin American and Caribbean History: Digital Humanities, Memory, and Visual Culture MW 10am-11:15am
HIST 454-001 God at the Movies: American Religion in Fiction and Film MW 2:30pm-3:45pm

Courses Taught

  • HIST 268: History of the US West
  • HIST 393: History of Mexico
  • HIST 404: History for and by the public
  • HIST 700: Public History Seminar 

Research Interests

  • Public history
  • Vast Early America (mostly Spanish/British/Indigenous, with a bit of French)
  • Religion
  • Women & Gender 


Selected Publications

With Danae Jacobson, Konden Smith Hansen, and Daisy Vargas. Religion and the American West: Belief, Violence, and Resilience, 1800-today, ed. Jessica Lauren Nelson. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 2023. 
“Holy Indian Women: The Indigenous Nuns of the Siete Príncipes Convent, Oaxaca, Mexico, 1782-1870.” Magistra: A Journal of Women's Spirituality in History, vol 25, issue 2, winter 2019, p. 51-65.
“‘Women of Our Nation': Gender in Christian Indian Communities in the United States and Mexico, 1753-1837.” Early American Studies, vol. 17, issue 4, fall 2019, p. 414-442. 
“‘My Obligation to the Doctor for his Paternal Care’: Eleazar Wheelock and the Female School of Moor’s Indian Charity School, 1761-1769.” Social Sciences and Missions, vol. 30, issue 3-4, fall 2017, p. 279-297.