Richard Popp

  • Associate Professor, History


  • PhD, Temple University
  • MBA, Virginia Tech
  • BA, Virginia Tech

Office Hours

Wednesday 9-11am and by appointment

Courses Taught

  • Hist 271 - The 1960s in the United States - A Cultural History
  • Hist 418 - America in Prosperity, Depression and War, 1921-1945
  • Hist 449 - Popular Culture in America, 1800 - the Present
  • Hist 900 - Seminar on US History: The News Media in Modern America

Research Interests

  • US cultural history
  • Media and communication
  • Capitalism
  • Consumer Culture

Selected Publications

Time Reincorporated: Media at the End of the American Century (University of Illinois Press). Under Contract
“'One Holistic System of Systems': Multinational Conglomerates and Technocratic Bigness in Late Postwar Culture," Journal of American History, 108, no. 2 (Sept. 2021): 320-347.
“The Information Bazaar: Mail-Order Magazines and the Consumer-Data Trade in Gilded Age America.” In Surveillance Capitalism in America: From Slavery to Social Media, ed. Josh Lauer and Kenneth Lipartito (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2021).
"Media." In A Companion to the History of Information, ed. Anthony Grafton, Ann Blair, Anja Goeing, and Paul Duguid (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2021).
The Anywhere, Anytime Market: The 800-Number, Direct Marketing, and the New Networks of Consumer Capitalism,” Enterprise & Society, 19, no. 3 (September 2018), 702-732. - Honorable Mention - 2019 Philip Scranton Best Article Prize, Business History Conference
“Airline Advertising, Fear of Flight, and the Shaping of Popular Emotion,” Journal of Consumer Culture, 16, no. 1 (March 2016), 61-79.
“Information, Industrialization, and the Business of Press Clippings, 1880-1925.” Journal of American History, 101, no. 2 (Sept. 2014), 427-453.
“Cultural History and Media Studies.” In Blackwell’s International Companion to Media Studies: Research Methods in Media Studies, ed. Fabienne Darling-Wolf (Oxford: Blackwell, 2014).
 The Holiday Makers: Magazines, Advertising, and Mass Tourism in Postwar America. Louisiana State University Press, 2012. - Winner 2013 Book of the Year Award, American Journalism Historians Association.