- GEO SCI 400 Water Quality
- 4 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Water availability and water quality in surface and subsurface water bodies; management of water as a resource. - Prerequisites: junior standing and CHEM 102(P) or consent of instructor.
- Course Rules: 3 hrs lec, 3 hrs lab.
- Last Taught: Fall 2023.
- GEO SCI 400G Water Quality
- 4 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Water availability and water quality in surface and subsurface water bodies; management of water as a resource. - Prerequisites: junior standing and CHEM 102(P) or consent of instructor.
- Course Rules: 3 hrs lec, 3 hrs lab.
- Last Taught: Fall 2023.
- GEO SCI 409 Process Geomorphology
- 4 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Study of geological processes and their effect on the formation and evolution of land forms. 3 hrs lec, 3 hrs lab, field trips for which fee is assessed. - Prerequisites: jr st; GEO SCI 100(P), GEOG 120(P), or GEOG 121(P).
- Last Taught: Fall 2023.
- GEO SCI 409G Process Geomorphology
- 4 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Study of geological processes and their effect on the formation and evolution of land forms. 3 hrs lec, 3 hrs lab, field trips for which fee is assessed. - Prerequisites: jr st; GEO SCI 100(P), GEOG 120(P), or GEOG 121(P).
- Last Taught: Fall 2023.
- GEO SCI 435 History of Geologic Thought
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
History of development of the major concepts in geology. - Prerequisites: jr st; Geo Sci 102(P) or cons instr.
- Last Taught: Spring 2024.
- GEO SCI 435G History of Geologic Thought
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
History of development of the major concepts in geology. - Prerequisites: jr st; Geo Sci 102(P) or cons instr.
- Last Taught: Spring 2024.
- GEO SCI 443 Glacial and Pleistocene Geology
- 4 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Mechanics of glacial flow, Pleistocene stratigraphy, and laboratory techniques. 3 hrs lec, 3 hrs lab. - Prerequisites: jr st; GEO SCI 100(P), GEO SCI 101(P), GEOG 120(P), or GEOG 121(P). GEO SCI 102(R) or GEO SCI 108(R).
- Course Rules: Field trips for which fees are assessed.
- Last Taught: Spring 2024, Spring 2023.
- GEO SCI 443G Glacial and Pleistocene Geology
- 4 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Mechanics of glacial flow, Pleistocene stratigraphy, and laboratory techniques. 3 hrs lec, 3 hrs lab. - Prerequisites: jr st; GEO SCI 100(P), GEO SCI 101(P), GEOG 120(P), or GEOG 121(P). GEO SCI 102(R) or GEO SCI 108(R).
- Course Rules: Field trips for which fees are assessed.
- Last Taught: Spring 2024, Spring 2023.
- GEO SCI 463 Physical Hydrogeology
- 4 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Study of ground water occurrence, its interrelationship with surface water, aquifer properties, groundwater flow and water supply development, including well hydraulics, water quality, and groundwater law. 3 hrs lec, 3 hrs lab, & field trip. - Prerequisites: jr st; GEO SCI 100(P) or GEO SCI 101(P); MATH 232(P).
- Last Taught: Fall 2023.
- GEO SCI 463G Physical Hydrogeology
- 4 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Study of ground water occurrence, its interrelationship with surface water, aquifer properties, groundwater flow and water supply development, including well hydraulics, water quality, and groundwater law. 3 hrs lec, 3 hrs lab, & field trip. - Prerequisites: jr st; GEO SCI 100(P) or GEO SCI 101(P); MATH 232(P).
- Last Taught: Fall 2023.
- GEO SCI 464 Chemical Hydrogeology
- 4 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Natural chemical processes that occur in groundwater systems, how they are modified by human activity and contamination, and attempts to regulate them. 3 hrs lec, 3 hrs lab. - Prerequisites: jr st; CHEM 102(P).
- Course Rules: FRSHWTR 464 & GEO SCI 464 are jointly-offered; they count as repeats of one another.
- Last Taught: Spring 2024.
- GEO SCI 464G Chemical Hydrogeology
- 4 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Natural chemical processes that occur in groundwater systems, how they are modified by human activity and contamination, and attempts to regulate them. 3 hrs lec, 3 hrs lab. - Prerequisites: jr st; CHEM 102(P).
- Course Rules: FRSHWTR 464 & GEO SCI 464 are jointly-offered; they count as repeats of one another.
- Last Taught: Spring 2024.
- GEO SCI 497 Study Abroad:
- 1-12 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Designed to enroll students in UWM sponsored program before course work level, content, and credits are determined and/or in specially prepared course work. - Prerequisites: junior standing and acceptance for Study Abroad Program.
- Course Rules: May be retaken with change in topic.
- Last Taught: Fall 2023, Spring 2015.
- GEO SCI 497G Study Abroad:
- 1-12 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Designed to enroll students in UWM sponsored program before course work level, content, and credits are determined and/or in specially prepared course work. - Prerequisites: junior standing and acceptance for Study Abroad Program.
- Course Rules: May be retaken with change in topic.
- Last Taught: Fall 2023, Spring 2015.
- GEO SCI 511 Stratigraphy and Sedimentation
- 4 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Techniques and principles of sedimentology and stratigraphy, including methods of correlation, analysis of facies, stratigraphic mapping, and tectonic controls of sedimentation. 3 hrs lec, 3 hrs lab, and field trips. - Prerequisites: jr st; GEO SCI 102(P) or equiv.
- Last Taught: Spring 2024.
- GEO SCI 511G Stratigraphy and Sedimentation
- 4 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Techniques and principles of sedimentology and stratigraphy, including methods of correlation, analysis of facies, stratigraphic mapping, and tectonic controls of sedimentation. 3 hrs lec, 3 hrs lab, and field trips. - Prerequisites: jr st; GEO SCI 102(P) or equiv.
- Last Taught: Spring 2024.
- GEO SCI 515 Physical Sedimentology
- 4 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Physical properties, processes, and environments of clastic sediments. 3 hrs lec, 3 hrs lab, field trip for which fee is assessed. - Prerequisites: jr st; GEO SCI 511(P).
- Last Taught: Fall 2021.
- GEO SCI 515G Physical Sedimentology
- 4 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Physical properties, processes, and environments of clastic sediments. 3 hrs lec, 3 hrs lab, field trip for which fee is assessed. - Prerequisites: jr st; GEO SCI 511(P).
- Last Taught: Fall 2021.
- GEO SCI 520 Introduction to Paleontology
- 4 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
General study of fossils and theoretical principles used in the study of paleontology. 3 hrs lec, 3 hrs lab, and field trips. - Prerequisites: jr st; GEO SCI 102 or GEO SCI 108.
- Last Taught: Fall 2023.
- GEO SCI 520G Introduction to Paleontology
- 4 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
General study of fossils and theoretical principles used in the study of paleontology. 3 hrs lec, 3 hrs lab, and field trips. - Prerequisites: jr st; GEO SCI 102 or GEO SCI 108.
- Last Taught: Fall 2023.
- GEO SCI 525 Terroir: Geology in a Glass
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
The geology, soil types, and climate of famous wine regions; factors that influence the production of fine wine. - Prerequisites: jr st; Geo Sci 100(P).
- Course Rules: No cr for students w/cr in Geo Sci 696 w/same topic.
- Last Taught: Fall 2021.
- GEO SCI 525G Terroir: Geology in a Glass
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
The geology, soil types, and climate of famous wine regions; factors that influence the production of fine wine. - Prerequisites: jr st; Geo Sci 100(P).
- Course Rules: No cr for students w/cr in Geo Sci 696 w/same topic.
- Last Taught: Fall 2021.
- GEO SCI 545 X-Ray Analytical Methods
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Methods in x-ray diffractometry and spectrometry. Nature and generation of x-rays, collection and interpretation of powder diffraction patterns and elemental analysis using x-ray spectrometry. - Prerequisites: jr st; Geo Sci 301(P); satisfaction of OWC-A req; Chem 102(C).
- General Education Requirements: OWCB
- Last Taught: Spring 2024.
- GEO SCI 545G X-Ray Analytical Methods
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Methods in x-ray diffractometry and spectrometry. Nature and generation of x-rays, collection and interpretation of powder diffraction patterns and elemental analysis using x-ray spectrometry. - Prerequisites: jr st; Geo Sci 301(P); satisfaction of OWC-A req; Chem 102(C).
- General Education Requirements: OWCB
- Last Taught: Spring 2024.
- GEO SCI 558 Conducted Field Trip:
- 1-3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Field trip to a classical geologic area. Preceded by a seminar. - Prerequisites: jr st; cons instr.
- Course Rules: May be retaken w/chg in topic to 9 cr max, only 3 cr of which may be applied toward geo sci major.
- Last Taught: Spring 2024.
- GEO SCI 558G Conducted Field Trip:
- 1-3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Field trip to a classical geologic area. Preceded by a seminar. - Prerequisites: jr st; cons instr.
- Course Rules: May be retaken w/chg in topic to 9 cr max, only 3 cr of which may be applied toward geo sci major.
- Last Taught: Spring 2024.
- GEO SCI 562 Environmental Surface Hydrology
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Land-atmosphere interactions, modeling of runoff generation, and water movement in the vadose zone. 3 hrs lec. - Prerequisites: jr st; Math 232(P); or cons instr.
- Last Taught: Spring 2023.
- GEO SCI 562G Environmental Surface Hydrology
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Land-atmosphere interactions, modeling of runoff generation, and water movement in the vadose zone. 3 hrs lec. - Prerequisites: jr st; Math 232(P); or cons instr.
- Last Taught: Spring 2023.
- GEO SCI 563 Field Methods in Hydrogeology
- 4 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Introduction to current equipment and methodology used in field evaluation of hydrologic systems. Well installation and monitoring, stream gauging, indirect surface observations. Lab, field trip for which fee is assessed. - Prerequisites: jr st; GEO SCI 463(P).
- Last Taught: Fall 2023.
- GEO SCI 563G Field Methods in Hydrogeology
- 4 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Introduction to current equipment and methodology used in field evaluation of hydrologic systems. Well installation and monitoring, stream gauging, indirect surface observations. Lab, field trip for which fee is assessed. - Prerequisites: jr st; GEO SCI 463(P).
- Last Taught: Fall 2023.
- GEO SCI 564G Field Methods in Hydrogeology
- 4 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Introduction to current equipment and methodology used in field evaluation of hydrologic systems. Well installation and monitoring, stream gauging, indirect surface observations. Lab, field trip for which fee is assessed. - Prerequisites: jr st; GEO SCI 463(P).
- Last Taught: Fall 2023.
- GEO SCI 614 Advanced Structural Geology
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Advanced analysis of deformation as applied to geological structures from microscopic through regional scales. Lec, field trip for which fee is assessed. - Prerequisites: jr st; Geo Sci 414(P); Math 231(C).
- Last Taught: Spring 2024.
- GEO SCI 614G Advanced Structural Geology
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Advanced analysis of deformation as applied to geological structures from microscopic through regional scales. Lec, field trip for which fee is assessed. - Prerequisites: jr st; Geo Sci 414(P); Math 231(C).
- Last Taught: Spring 2024.
- GEO SCI 635 Volcanology
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Why and when volcanoes erupt; predicting whether eruptions will be explosive or passive. - Prerequisites: jr st; Geo Sci 302(P) or cons instr.
- Last Taught: Fall 2022.
- GEO SCI 635G Volcanology
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Why and when volcanoes erupt; predicting whether eruptions will be explosive or passive. - Prerequisites: jr st; Geo Sci 302(P) or cons instr.
- Last Taught: Fall 2022.
- GEO SCI 637 Planetary Geology
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Advanced study of planetary geology, for advanced undergraduate and graduate students. - Prerequisites: jr st; Geo Sci 301(P) or Astron 211(P) or 400(P); completion of OWC-A GER (English 102 or equiv placement).
- General Education Requirements: OWCB
- Course Rules: No cr for students w/cr in Geo Sci 697 w/same topic.
- Last Taught: Spring 2023.
- GEO SCI 637G Planetary Geology
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Advanced study of planetary geology, for advanced undergraduate and graduate students. - Prerequisites: jr st; Geo Sci 301(P) or Astron 211(P) or 400(P); completion of OWC-A GER (English 102 or equiv placement).
- General Education Requirements: OWCB
- Course Rules: No cr for students w/cr in Geo Sci 697 w/same topic.
- Last Taught: Spring 2023.
- GEO SCI 638 Advanced Igneous Petrology
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Recent trends and applications in the fields of igneous petrology. Quantitative modelling of important petrologic processes. Critical reading of journal articles in petrology. Lec. - Prerequisites: jr st; Geo Sci 302(P).
- Last Taught: Fall 2023.
- GEO SCI 638G Advanced Igneous Petrology
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Recent trends and applications in the fields of igneous petrology. Quantitative modelling of important petrologic processes. Critical reading of journal articles in petrology. Lec. - Prerequisites: jr st; Geo Sci 302(P).
- Last Taught: Fall 2023.
- GEO SCI 655 Topics in Structure and Tectonics:
- 1-3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
- Prerequisites: jr st; Geo Sci 414(P) or cons instr.
- Course Rules: May be retaken w/chg in topic to 9 cr max.
- Last Taught: Spring 2023.
- GEO SCI 655G Topics in Structure and Tectonics:
- 1-3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
- Prerequisites: jr st; Geo Sci 414(P) or cons instr.
- Course Rules: May be retaken w/chg in topic to 9 cr max.
- Last Taught: Spring 2023.
- GEO SCI 695 Internship in Geoscience
- 1-3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
An internship consistent with the student's plan of study in geosciences. Requirements and evaluation determined by the department on an individual basis. - Prerequisites: jr st; cons dept.
- Last Taught: Summer 2024, Summer 2015.
- GEO SCI 695G Internship in Geoscience
- 1-3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
An internship consistent with the student's plan of study in geosciences. Requirements and evaluation determined by the department on an individual basis. - Prerequisites: jr st; cons dept.
- Last Taught: Summer 2024, Summer 2015.
- GEO SCI 696 Topics in the Geological Sciences:
- 1-3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Add'l prereqs announced in Schedule of Classes each time course offered. - Prerequisites: junior standing.
- Course Rules: May be retaken with change in topic to 9 cr max.
- Last Taught: Fall 2023.
- GEO SCI 696G Topics in the Geological Sciences:
- 1-3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Add'l prereqs announced in Schedule of Classes each time course offered. - Prerequisites: junior standing.
- Course Rules: May be retaken with change in topic to 9 cr max.
- Last Taught: Fall 2023.
- GEO SCI 697 Seminar in the Geological Sciences:
- 1-3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Specific credits and additional prerequisites announced in Schedule of Classes each time course is offered. - Prerequisites: junior standing.
- Course Rules: May be retaken with change in topic to 9 cr max.
- Last Taught: Spring 2024.
- GEO SCI 697G Seminar in the Geological Sciences:
- 1-3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Specific credits and additional prerequisites announced in Schedule of Classes each time course is offered. - Prerequisites: junior standing.
- Course Rules: May be retaken with change in topic to 9 cr max.
- Last Taught: Spring 2024.
- GEO SCI 720 Methods in Paleomagnetism and Environmental Magnetism
- 3 cr. Graduate.
This course is designed to provide students with a theoretical and practical foundation in paleomagnetism and environmental magnetism, including hands-on work with samples and real data. - Prerequisites: grad st; MATH 231(R); PHYSICS 210(R) or PHYSICS 122(R)
- Course Rules: Counts as a repeat of GEO SCI 696 with the same topic. Not open to students w/ credit in GEO SCI 420.
- Last Taught: Fall 2023, Spring 2022.
- GEO SCI 721 Conservation Paleontology
- 3 cr. Graduate.
Application of theories and analytical tools of paleontology to biodiversity conservation. - Prerequisites: graduate standing.
- Course Rules: Counts as a repeat of GEO SCI 696 with topic 'Conservation Paleontology'.
- GEO SCI 722 Plant-Insect Interactions in Deep Time
- 3 cr. Graduate.
Fossil record of interactions between plants and insects, focusing primarily on herbivory and pollination; basic overview of the fossil record and evolutionary history of plants and insects. - Prerequisites: graduate standing.
- Course Rules: Counts as a repeat of GEO SCI 696 with topic 'Plant and Insect Relationships in Deep Time'.
- GEO SCI 730 Modelling Techniques for Hydrogeology
- 3 cr. Graduate.
Study and application of modelling techniques in hydrogeology. Includes finite difference and finite element techniques for groundwater flow, contaminent transport, and geochemistry. - Prerequisites: grad st; Geo Sci 463; knowledge of fortran or equiv; cons instr.
- Last Taught: Spring 2023, Spring 2021, Spring 2015, Spring 2014.
- GEO SCI 740 Carbonate Sedimentology
- 3 cr. Graduate.
Depositional processes, environments and stratigraphic analysis of carbonate rocks. Lec, lab, field trip, for which fee is assessed. - Prerequisites: grad st; Geo Sci 511 or equiv.
- Course Rules: Field trip for which fee is assessed.
- Last Taught: Fall 2023, Fall 2019, Fall 2017, Fall 2015.
- GEO SCI 749 Biogeochemistry of Soils
- 3 cr. Graduate.
Biogeochemical processes in soils and their impact on water quality. - Prerequisites: graduate standing and GEO SCI 464(P) or consent of instructor.
- Course Rules: 3 hrs lec.
- Last Taught: Spring 2024, Spring 2020, Spring 2009.
- GEO SCI 750 Contaminant Hydrogeology
- 3 cr. Graduate.
Transport and fate of contaminants in aquifers, aquitards, and unsaturated geologic materials. - Prerequisites: grad st; Geo Sci 464(C).
- Last Taught: Fall 2022, Fall 2019, Fall 2017, Fall 2015.
- GEO SCI 790 Graduate Seminar in the Geological Sciences:
- 1-3 cr. Graduate.
Add'l prereqs announced in schedule of classes each time course offered. - Prerequisites: grad st.
- Course Rules: Retakable w/chg in topic to 9 cr max.
- Last Taught: Spring 2015, Spring 2006, Spring 2002.
- GEO SCI 888 Candidate for Degree
- 0 cr. Graduate.
Available for grad students who must meet minimum cr load requirement. - Prerequisites: graduate standing.
- Course Rules: Fee for 1 cr assessed; unit does not count towards credit load for Fin Aid. Repeatable. Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory only.
- Last Taught: Fall 2017, Fall 2016, Summer 2016, Summer 2015.
- GEO SCI 990 Master's Thesis
- 1-8 cr. Graduate.
- Prerequisites: grad st; cons instr & completed thesis proposal.
- Last Taught: Summer 2024, Spring 2024, Fall 2023, Spring 2023.
- GEO SCI 997 Doctoral Externship
- 1-12 cr. Graduate.
- Prerequisites: grad st; admis to candidacy for Ph.D.
- Last Taught: Spring 2019, Fall 2018.
- GEO SCI 998 Doctoral Dissertation
- 1-12 cr. Graduate.
- Prerequisites: grad st.
- Last Taught: Summer 2024, Spring 2024, Fall 2023, Spring 2023.
- GEO SCI 999 Advanced Independent Reading
- 1-4 cr. Graduate.
Independent geologic study. - Prerequisites: grad st & cons instr.
- Course Rules: Retakable to 4 cr max.
- Last Taught: Spring 2024, Fall 2023, Fall 2022, Spring 2022.