UWM operates both an analog and digital seismometer which are housed in a specially designed vault in the basement of Lapham Hall. The instruments rest on a pillar of concrete that extends down 30 feet to help isolate urban noise from transient signals. Unfortunately the bedrock in this area is too deep (~200ft) for the pillar to extend down to it so some urban noise is found in the signals. The digital seismometer is connected to a Dell PC that continuously records seismic data. The digitizer clock is is kept accurate with the help of a GPS sensor that is constantly feeding the current time. The analog instruments are long-period Geotech seismometers (only the E-W is currently running) and is connected to a Geotech Portacorder seismograph to produce a paper record.
Digital Seismometer Specifications
- Sensor: Guralp Broadband CMG-EDU-T
- Latitude: 43.07611 North
- Longitude: 87.88455 West
- Elevation: 205 meters
Digital Data is collected at 1 sample/second for teleseismic earthquakes and 40 samples per second for regional earthquakes.
Earthquake Links
- History of Seismometry (NEIC)
- IRIS (Get EQ data from around the world)
- Mid America Earthquake Center
- NEIC (Near real time updates)
- ORFEUS (European EQ data center and more)
- SCEDC (Southern California EQ Data Center)
- Seismosurfing (This site has all things seismology)
- St. Louis University Earthquake Center
- USGS (U.S. Geological Society)
Topographic Data
- GLOBE (30-sec data; National Geophysical Data Center)
- ETOPO2 (2-minute data; National Geophysical Data Center)
- Bathymetry, Topography, and Relief (National Geophysical Data Center)
- All types of data (National Geophysical Data Center)
Earthquake Utilities
- Body Wave Modeler (Mac Only; Chuck Ammon, Penn State)
- Drumplot (Guralp Systems, program to plot digital data)
- GMT (Generic Mapping Tools, U. of Hawaii)
- IRIS Software Library
- Latitude and Longitude Converter (FCC website)
- MATLAB Tools for Seismology
- Orfeus Software Library
- SAC (Seismic Analysis Code, IRIS)
- SCREAM (Guralp Systems, realtime acquisition and monitoring)
- Seismic Waves (download it, Alan Jones, SUNY Binghampton)
- Seismic Eruption (download it, Alan Jones SUNY Binghampton)
- TauP (Java Applet for Calculating Travel Times; University of South Carolina)
- USGS Software Library
- WILBUR (Web Based Event Request Method from IRIS)