Virtual Services Only July 15-19
SFS is closed to in-person services July 15-19 due to the Republican National Convention occurring in Milwaukee. During this time, we are offering virtual/online services Mon-Thurs: 9am-4pm; Friday: 9am-3pm. We re-open for in-person services on July 22.

UWM has a significant number of students serving in U.S. military reserve or National Guard units who have been or may be called to active duty. The University of Wisconsin System and UWM have a number of policies in place to accommodate students who must temporarily lay aside their educational pursuits when called to active duty in the military. Outlined below are the key points.

Please Note: These provisions apply to involuntary Federal Title 10 activations and missions authorized by state Governors during times of disaster relief or similar emergency, not routinely scheduled training, attendance at service schools or voluntary enlistments. These provisions also apply to students who are spouses of activated National Guard Personnel of U.S. Military Reservists when the deployed service member has a dependent child.

Drop/Withdrawal and Full Refund of Tuition and Fees

Students called to active military service after the beginning of a term or session are entitled to drop their courses and receive a full refund of tuition and fees for courses still in progress and in which they are actively enrolled at the time of the call-up.

To exercise this option, students should first withdraw from classes (or drop selected classes; see below) and then provide a copy of their military activation orders to the Military Education Benefits Office located in Mellencamp 168A. A copy may also be mailed to that office c/o Dept of Financial Aid, P.O. Box 469, Milwaukee, WI 53201), or faxed to 414-229-5699. After appropriate review, a full refund will be authorized and processed.

Students may drop or withdraw from full semester classes on PAWS through the eighth week of the term. Thereafter, they must do so in the academic advising office of their school or college. However, even in cases of a military call-up, students do not have the option to drop partial/mini-term classes that have already been completed, nor can a student drop a course for which all work has already been completed/submitted. With the increase in partial term classes (and with the many varied summer sessions), enrollment in multiple sessions has become quite common. Students who are unsure how to proceed in these cases are encouraged to contact the Registrar’s Office.

Grading Options

Students may also opt to remain enrolled in some or all of their courses. In this case, the student may either:

  • Request an “Incomplete” for the class, with the understanding that the coursework will be completed upon return from active military duty; or
  • Request that a final grade be assigned based upon work completed to date.

Students wishing to exercise either of these options should consult with the instructor who will, as necessary, report the “I” grade through the usual channels. Obviously these options may not be equally viable for all classes, depending on the timing, how much work remains to be completed, whether a final exam constitutes a major portion of the grade, etc. For this reason, consultation with the instructor and/or academic advisor is encouraged.

Refund of Room and Board

A student called to active duty while living on campus will be released from his/her housing contract and refunded the unused portion of his/her room/board. To exercise this option, students should contact University Housing Assistant Director Kari Dawson (414-229-4065) to coordinate contract cancellation.

Subsequent Readmission

Under similar circumstances in the past, we have asked that administrative units be flexible in facilitating the re-entry of students returning from military service. This has involved streamlining the usual re-entry application process, waiving application deadlines, etc. Each case will depend on individual circumstances, but faculty and staff are asked to be as accommodating as possible once these students are able to return to the University. Students who return from military service and are ready to re-enter should contact the appropriate admission office (Office of Undergraduate Admissions 414-229-2222 or the Graduate School 414-229-6569) for further information on how to proceed.

For additional information about issues related to military call-ups, please contact:

James Schmidt
Military Education Benefits Office
Mellencamp Hall 168A
Phone: 414-229-6392

Registrar’s Office

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