Internships are an important part of your educational experience which help to put your knowledge into practical applications. DAC students are encouraged to find an internship that allows them to learn new skills in a field that excites and aligns with your values. DAC students can find internships in professional settings, cultural or educational institutions, or in a range of companies as social media coordinators or digital media specialists, helping with marketing, design, administration, and web projects.
DAC internships are available for credit as DAC 289 or DAC 489, on campus or off-campus. Students should arrange internships with the internship site and the DAC Director. Your academic advisor or DAC director can give you advice about finding opportunities. If you are interested in an experience working with the DAC Program itself, see the following information about the DAC Student Council.
DAC Student Council (1 to 3 internships credits)
This group is run by DAC students to plan events, engage with the community, and raise visibility of the program. Students attend weekly meetings where you will help to develop the program from the inside out, network and connect and have a good time with like-minded individuals. Students will gain experience in event planning, social media management, research, community outreach and more.