Connected Systems Institute manufacturing test bed equipment

This 6-week course provides the basics for using Microsoft Azure in advanced manufacturing solutions. Learners should come to the pathway with a basic understanding of IIoT and connected systems. A background in Azure is not necessary.

  • Dates: October 2-November 10, 2023
  • Duration: 6 weeks
  • Format: Blended (meets face-to-face and online)
  • Tuition: $1,500


Operations managers, factory operators, and industrial engineers


This course meets both in-person and online. Each week you’ll have online access to full learning modules containing lectures, labs, discussions, and knowledge checks. You can expect that each weekly module will require about 4 hours to complete, including online and face-to-face learning. The six modules, taught by UWM faculty and industry leaders, include:

  • October 2 – 6 (fully online): Drive AI Strategy: How to use AI strategy in your business
  • October 9 –  13 (online and on-site lab): Build Commercial-Ready Industrial IoT Application
  • October 16 – 20 (online and on-site lab): Quality Detection Using Vision: Predictive maintenance using vision-based system
  • October 23 – 27 (fully online): AI for Reliability 
  • October 30 – November 3 (online and on-site lab): Autonomous Moving Inventory: Moving inventory between warehouse and line
  • November 6 – 10 (fully online): Intelligent Supply Chain: Using IoT, block chain, and AI/ML to build better supply

Can’t Attend an In-Person Session?

That’s okay! We will offer synchronous online access to each in-person session, so all enrolled learners can participate from afar. While it is ideal to attend in-person for these hands-on lessons, we realize it is not always possible. All sessions will also be recorded and posted in the course site for later viewing.


Registration is closed until the next offering in spring 2024.

CSI partners receive a discount on all courses. Please contact Casey O’Brien ( for the discount code.