A man working with manufacturing equipment by using a tablet

2.1 Million Manufacturing Jobs Could Go Unfilled by 2030*

A shortage of qualified labor for manufacturers exists across the entire state of Wisconsin. Eighty-three percent of 400 executives recently surveyed for the  2021 Wisconsin Manufacturing Report stated they were having difficulty finding the right talent. Expanding the scope for national view, 500,000 U.S. manufacturing positions remain unfilled at any given moment (Deloitte). At issue is the jobs skills gap. 

Find, Train, Retain Talent

The Connected Systems Institute (CSI) aims to create the workforce of the future – one that understands the manufacturing domain, the reasons for implementing technology, how to measure financial results, and finally, how to formulate an IIOT strategy and implementation plan. We will achieve our mission via a combination of resources that help employers find, train, and retain talent.

CSI’s referral network connects early talent with our trusted referral network. Further, our growing portfolio of courses, workshops, and lectures provides training for digital solutions the manufacturing sector demands. Finally, our courses and partner network provide guidance for employers to understand the organizational changes required to retain talent.

Plan a Course to Tomorrow’s Jobs Today

UWM faculty and industry experts teach courses on connected systems basics for both business and engineering students. The curricula also include courses on related topics, from data analytics and cybersecurity to supply chain management and organizational change.

The pace of digital transformation in the manufacturing industry will likely continue to redefine work for humans. Companies that want to survive in the Industry 4.0 economy need to proactively invest in workforce training to ensure they have employees with the requisite skillsets for an increasingly automated production environment.

*Deloitte Manufacturing Institute, May 2021

Current Workforce Innovation Courses

Digital Manufacturing Leadership (DML)
This nine-week course is designed to help participants better understand, measure, and mitigate risk in manufacturing. Each learner emerges with an individualized written asset management strategy, a financial plan for measuring improvement, and a digital governance strategy for mitigating specific risks.

This course runs every fall and spring.
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Microsoft Azure in Manufacturing
In collaboration with Microsoft, CSI has created Microsoft Azure in Manufacturing, a six-week hybrid course to introduce manufacturing professionals to the possibilities of IIoT solutions using Azure! The course includes online and in-person instructor-guided labs at CSI’s fully functioning state-of-the-art manufacturing facility, leveraging the testbed data and contextualizing lessons for manufacturing domains.

Visit the course page to learn more and register.
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CCNA for Manufacturing
Train to get certified as a Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) at CSI’s Cisco Networking Academy! CCNA for Manufacturing is an intensive 8-week summer course that focuses on networking in a manufacturing setting.

Next offering date March 2024.
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Roadmap of Future CSI Courses

The following courses will be added to our offerings soon:

  • Networking for Industrial Control Systems
  • Operational Technology Cybersecurity
  • Fundamentals of Robotics in Manufacturing
  • Industrial Automation and Controls
  • Integrated Robotics for Manufacturing
  • Data Structuring for Advanced Manufacturing
  • AR/VR in manufacturing
  • Digital Twins in Manufacturing
  • Industrial Internet of Things: Smart Sensors
  • MES Systems

Workforce Training Events

CSI provides various events for those interested in pursuing workforce training. To view upcoming events for this topic visit the workforce training upcoming events.

If you’d like to join our mailing list to receive updates on CSI curriculum, please complete our contact form.

For questions about CSI’s Workforce Innovation courses, contact Casey O’Brien: caseyo@uwm.edu | 414-251-8767