List of Tools Supported by Us

Instructors and departments can contact the Center for Excellence in Teaching & Learning (CETL) to receive support on the following software tools Note that CETL Support is focused on supporting instructors support. Student support is carried out through the UWM Help Desk.

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

CETL provides information on:

  • What is Generative AI?
  • What are AI Teaching Considerations?
  • Sample Syllabus Information for Student AI Use
  • Upcoming CETL Workshops on AI

Canvas Learning Management System (LMS) is the digital learning environment for UWM.


H5P is a tool for creating engaging and interactive learning experiences with quizzes, presentations, flashcards, games, and more. It’s designed to be accessible, responsive, and can be easily integrated into Canvas. Contact CETL for H5P licensing information.


Hypothesis enables students to collaboratively annotate Canvas web pages and files, public web pages, and PDF files. Annotation activities can be used as module topics and as assignments.

Kaltura’s My Media

My Media is the main tool for distributing media through UWM’s learning management system (Canvas). It efficiently distributes audio and video files, displays files in the browser with controls, and doesn’t require any special hardware or software for students to view. Instead of uploading files directly to Canvas, you use the My Media tool.


Lightboards are large backlit panes of glass on which instructors draw while speaking into a camera. They are similar to a traditional whiteboard, with the exception that instructors stand behind the glass to draw equations, write notes, and edit on-screen slides.

Online Proctoring Software

UWM provides instructors with access to two online proctoring tools.

Proctorio is an AI-based student proctoring tool integrated into Canvas, consisting of a Chrome extension and an LTI tool.

Respondus LockDown Browser (LDB)
Respondus LDB restricts students’ access to external resources during online assessments, ensuring a more controlled testing environment.

Student Response Systems

Student Response Systems allow students to use their mobile devices to respond in real time to instructor questions.

CETL is currently conducting a pilot for the student response system, Mentimeter.


UDOIT is designed to assist faculty with improving the accessibility of their Canvas courses. It scans Canvas courses, provides easy-to interpret suggestions to improve the accessibility of the course, and can automatically repair many common accessibility issues.

Video Captioning

Videos uploaded to My Media are automatically captioned, and the captions can be edited directly in My Media.

Automatic captioning is also available for Zoom cloud recordings.


Zoom is a web conference service used for video, voice, virtual classrooms, online meetings, screen sharing, chat, and webinars.

Find Help for Resources Supported Outside of CETL

While CETL does not offer support on the following UWM software tools, you can click the links below to be directed to the department at UWM that provides support for the specific tool.

Lecture Capture

Record your lecture in the classroom with Lecture Capture. This recording can be scheduled or ad-hoc and allows for the recording of audio, video, and content.

Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams is workspace for real-time collaboration, messaging, online meetings, file sharing, and more.

Contact UWM’s Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning

Engelmann Hall, Room B50
2033 E Hartford Ave
Milwaukee, WI 53211

Phone: 414-229-4319

Support Commons Hours:

Monday through Wednesday: 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Thursday: Appointment Only
Friday: Closed