Managing Stress During Finals Week 

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Final exam season can be a stressful time for college students. Studying for exams, finalizing projects, preparing presentations – it’s a lot on our plates in a short amount of time. But final exam season can also be a time of excitement. The end of the semester is a time to look forward to holiday plans, taking a break, seeing loved ones, or traveling. But in order to get to the future, we have to first live in the present.  

Here are some tips for managing stress during final exam week. 

Take Advantage of Campus Events and Resources

There are many places and organizations on campus that host events for Study Day that all UWM students can attend. These events are a great opportunity to treat yourself and take a brain break from studying. Students looking for a relaxing space on campus to unwind can take advantage of The Mindful Space located at the Student Health and Wellness Center. The Mindful Space is equipped with a VR headset, a massage chair, happy lamps, and meditation pillows. If you are interested in reserving a 30-minute time slot, you can sign up here.  

Make a Plan

Creating a study/work schedule can help make daunting tasks, like projects, papers, and studies more manageable. Setting realistic deadlines can reduce feelings of stress or being overwhelmed. Creating a schedule can also help you plan times to take breaks. It is important to allow your brain and eyes to recharge, to make studying efficient, and especially if you are staring at a screen for long periods of time. Use breaks to practice self-care. There is no “correct way” to make a schedule – do what works best for you. It could be marking off times on a calendar, a planner, or making a to-do list.  

Eat Well and Sleep Well

Your body and brain perform their best with proper sleep and nutrition. Staying hydrated and eating nutritious meals and snacks can help you prevent crashing, and proper rest improves memory, concentration, and overall performance. Prioritize your sleep schedule! One of my go-to study snacks is almonds because they are high in magnesium, which can help reduce headaches.  

Reach Out for Support If You Need To

There is nothing shameful about needing additional support in stressful times. For academic support, many professors, TAs, and study groups may hold extended office hours to make sure you understand course material. For emotional support, there are resources at the Student Health and Wellness Center for UWM students in addition to counseling services. All students can utilize Mantra Health Teletherapy, a free service for those who are seeking evening or weekend appointment times or want to search for an identity-specific provider. To learn more about Mantra Health, visit here. 

Remember to take a deep breath, and give it your all! 

Terryn (any pronouns) 

Peer Health Educator