YOU@UWM provides student success and well-being information while highlighting available campus resources through a web-based platform that is available to you 24/7. YOU@UWM is a space to check in with yourself, set goals, and explore UWM resources and services so you can be proactive with your health and well-being and make the most of your college experience.
Students can complete brief assessments and create their profile in order to customize content. Users can set goals and check them off once completed, peruse useful and relatable content, or search for something specific.
Using the portal, students can explore their strengths and areas for growth across three domains:
- SUCCEED = Academics / Career
- THRIVE = Physical / Mental Health
- MATTER = Purpose / Community / Social
YOU Welcome/Orientation Video
Log in and Student Anonymity
Students log in with their ePantherID account at to create a completely confidential account.
When students opt-in to use YOU@UWM, the platform collects basic user information (name, email address, etc.). This information is collected to allow the platform to enable secure access and personalized resources for individual users. In addition, YOU@UWM collects product usage data (clicks, time spent on the site, search terms, etc.) each time a student uses the platform.
However, YOU@UWM’s comprehensive privacy defense protects this information from risk and keeps all of your activity within the portal anonymous. For example:
- Data like names and email addresses are always encrypted to protect the student’s identity.
- We restrict our team’s access to student data, limiting access to confidential information to only key development staff.
- YOU@UWM analytics use aggregate data and prevents displaying small results sizes. Meaning, your activity on the portal is not reported in a way that is linked to your personal account.
- Finally, no YOU@UWM information is ever sold to any outside third party.
UWM YOU@UWM Contacts
For You@UWM specific questions, reach out to You can learn more about the You@College platform here.
To schedule a YOU@UWM overview session for a department or student group, contact Lori Bokowy at